Devery Project Update — General Development, Projects & Ongoing Work

Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2019

In line with our ongoing work we’re proud to announce our latest general update. Over the last few months we’ve been working on ensuring our products work seamlessly and we’ve also been sourcing and negotiating teams which we will be announcing during the transition into phase three.

Eveplate, DeveryExplorer & Development

Internally we are currently working on a few different projects which have been described previously. The most recent being released was Eveplate, which has been thoroughly tested and iterated on since being deployed. The most recent updates ensure both Angular & Vue work throughly and also ensure the ERC-721 integration works efficiently allowing anyone to integrate this into existing or new applications with ease. Eveplate can be accessed here:

In line with Eveplate, the deveryExplorer has also received a major update through refactoring and improving it’s functionality in line with the suite. It is now fully supporting ERC-721 & has been refactored and extended. You can test this here:

As well as this, we are throughly testing and iterating our other applications being deveryjs, markery, our certificate transfer application, the logistics application, deveryExplorer and among other work. Development and testing continues on mainnet & testnet and as always with the nature of blockchain development, whilst we are on track in terms of testing and development, ensuring stability and quality for our releases are our utmost concerns.

Grants and Projects

We are currently still sourcing teams during the transition into phase three. We’re in the negotiation/ideation stage with a few different projects as we seek to move forward these projects. We are focusing over the next few months to prepare this further and move them into the next stage of finalisation.

Currently we’re also particularly interested in projects related to different branches and are very interested in speaking with those in different industries whom would like to build on the protocol. If you’re interested in building a project/contributing, don’t hesitate to message us at or submit a pull request at!

As always thank you for following the project!

