Devery Project Update — Tunisia, Prague, iOS Application, Development & Roadmap

Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2018

The last month for the team has been quite busy. We’ve traveled to Tunisia for our ongoing project, traveled into Europe for Devcon4, iterated in development, and are in the process of updating our current roadmap with future plans. We are eager to share our latest developments with the community.

Ministry of Education & World Food Programme

Chironjit working in the conference meeting room in Tunisia.

The project in Tunisia is still ongoing, with our chain of custody application moving forward towards implementation with each day. Our recent trip to Tunisia was focused on speaking to the key stakeholders within the Tunisian Ministry of Education and World Food Programme. The focus was preparing the application for production as we have been heavily documenting the application to ensure ease of use.

Our team are expected to return to Tunisia in the coming months to further the project on the ground with our stakeholders.

20th Global Child Nutrition Summit

Our CEO Andrew presenting at the event —

Our team attended the 20th Global Child Nutrition Forum in Tunisia. This was a global forum in which we were able to discuss our project in Tunisia and how we are utilising blockchain technology for transparent food deliveries for schools.


We attended Devcon4 for the final days after leaving Tunisia. During this trip we met team members from Santiment, Tenzorum, Perlin, Republic Protocol, Meta Cartel amongst others. The trip was focused on understanding the current direction of the Ethereum ecosystem and direction of Ethereum 2.0.

iOS Application

The iOS Application has now been released on TestFlight for iOS. If you’d like to test the application you can request access via

Devery Explorer

One of the the hackathon entrants, DeveryExplorer has now been placed into the core Devery repository. This tool will make the developer experience more fluid when working with DeveryJS.

You can find the Devery Explorer here —

Roadmap Update
We are in the process of updating our new roadmap which will follow a different format to the previous. Our goal is to ensure the community will have a clear understanding of our objectives in future. This is a long process and will take some time before release.

Once again thanks for supporting the project!

