Devery Token Sale FAQ

Chironjit Das


This is Devery’s official token sale FAQ. We will be incorporating additional questions as we receive them.

The tokensale link is at

1.When is the start date?

The start date is the 18th of January 4pm UTC. For the first 12 hours, only PICOPs verified addresses will be able to contribute. Thereafter the contribution will be open to all.

2. When is the end date?

The sale will end once the cap is reached or 1st of February 4pm UTC, whichever is sooner.

3. Will there be personal and overall caps?

There will be a personal cap of 3 ETH for the first 12 hours for PICOPs verified addresses.

The overall hard cap for the token sale will be 10,000 ETH (inclusive of both pre-sale and crowdsale).

4. When are tokens distributed?

One week after the close of sale.

5. What is the EVE to ETH ratio?

The ratio has been set at 5865 EVE per ETH.

6. How much gas fee should I set?

Recommendation is to use 50 gwei gas fee and 250,000 gas limit

7. Why do I need to pay for KYC?

PICOPS KYC is a third-party service offered by Parity. All fees are paid to them. Once you are KYC’d through PICOPS, you will be eligible for any crowd-sale that uses PICOPS. We will provide additional EVE to contributors verified through PICOPS to cover these fees.

If you have completed the PICOPS KYC before you do not need to complete it again. You will have to sign up for the whitelist however.

8. Do I need to whitelist?

The whitelist form is on You must sign up to this form to participate in the crowdsale.

The KYC is separate from the whitelist and must be completed if you would like to contribute.

9. How do I know if I am whitelisted?

If you received the KYC email and completed PICOPS, then you’re whitelisted.

10. How do I contribute?

There will be a countdown on our website leading up to the crowd-sale (we will provide email notifications to direct you to the contribution page).

In order to contribute you will need to contribute from a PICOPS verified Ethereum address.

11. Can I send from an exchange?

No, you must use a ERC20 compatible wallet such as MyEtherWallet, Parity, Metamask & Ledger Nano.

12. How do I get refunds from Parity PICOPs Fee?

All refunds are handled by Please note, in some cases it may not be possible to receive a refund. Please ensure that your documents are valid, and are properly and clearly scanned before initiating the process.

13. How do I check if I have have successfully passed KYC?

Please visit and click ‘check certification’ to determine if you’re already verified

14. Can I participate in the pre-sale?

The pre-sale is now closed.

