Devery Update — Hiring, Development, Administration and move to Beijing

Andrew Rasheed
2 min readMar 31, 2018


It’s been a busy month for the Devery team, during the last month we’ve been focusing on:

Development — We’re in the process of developing the official Devery read application connected to the blockchain. This is currently in the early stages but has been connected to the blockchain and we are iterating on this to ensure stability and compatibility across mobiles. We’ve also been in discussions about scaling, designing the front-end & DeveryJS.

Hiring — We’ve been interviewing at full speed this last month, including a number of developers and ensuring we have a marketing team backing us for our future announcements. We screen candidates very carefully as we aim to ensure they share our vision for Devery and our project’s future.

Partnerships— As many have asked we’ve closed a few key partnerships which either our project or the other party will be announcing over their social media channels in the coming months.

Move to Beijing
We’ve decided this month was best to push our announcements over to April as there were a large number of things we’ve had to attend to in terms of hiring, banking, development and legal. The team has also been preparing for Beijing where we’ll be based over the next few months, this will be a great opportunity for the team to move into the Chinese market and grow awareness of our project.

We’d like to also extend a big thank you to the community for supporting our project.

Website —
Telegram Announcements —
Telegram Community —

