Devery Updates — DeveryJS, Rinkeby, Ropsten, Decentralised Database

Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2021

We are proud to announce our updates in DeveryJS and our applications. Over the last few months we’ve worked closely on a number of items with a key focus around providing additional functionality to our existing frameworks and applications to introduce ease of testing, features and decentralisation.

DeveryJS Integrations and Updates

Over the last few months a number of key changes and integrations have been introduced into DeveryJS. These include a new testnet, ERC-721 extensions and easing the testing to production process for developers.

We’ve extended internal functionality of our framework to allow for the full suite of ERC-721 functionality, allowing metadata to be placed on chain if it is required by applications utilising the framework. This opens up possibilities for developers whom want to extend functionality using external tooling to the framework.

Link to Rinkeby testnet homepage —

We have added support for extra testing network, Rinkeby, increasing the number of options for testing applications on the protocol. This provides further additional compatibility allows a more rigorous testing procedure for those that require it and support for testing when other testing networks such as Ropsten that may be down. In some cases, external tooling used by applications which build on the protocol only support the Rinkeby testnet.

Development and testing of the protocol has also been refined further, allowing the development process on Ropsten and Rinkeby to be mirrored on mainnet through additional contracts and functions available. This simplifies the development process for those building on the protocol through ensuring the development process on testnet remains mirrored on mainnet.

For example, when testing on Ropsten or Rinkeby, the code is now an almost identical mirror to the Ethereum mainnet. Developers on the testnets simply call the additional token request function when before execution as a replacement to the fee requirement on mainnet. This further refines the developer experience to be consistent across the Ethereum network.

We’ve also improved test coverage in the framework, refactoring code for maintainability and are in the process of introducing further unit testing and documentation around new changes. You can view the DeveryJS documentation here.

Internal API Application and other applications

We have consolidated our internal development to focus on our API application which simplifies the marking process to those with little or no understanding of blockchain development. There are a number of moving pieces and problems on the technical level which we’ve resolved through implementing features like lost/remaining Ethers collectors; hierarchy of key wallets and more as testing/development continues.

Internally we are also looking at decentralisation of reliance of third party platforms for existing applications and are looking at decentralised database solutions to ensure applications run in a permissionless manner. The process of database replacement has been in development and research stage over the last few months. As for external projects, we’ve worked closely to ensure their requirements are met and provided support on a technical level.

Development and Releases

We have been working on research and development in regards to DeveryJS and have extended functionality on a technical level where needed. We will also be looking to refine our internal applications in line with our plans and also with the items we’ve referred to above in regards to testing and development.

Recently we’ve also been made aware there may have been a possible leak surrounding a branding and decentralisation project from years ago. Unfortunately, any information specified before any official releases may be incorrect, outdated, and even cause delays with the possibility of not eventuating (due to any number of reasons). We ask those following our announcements to only look to our official releases for information about our related work on the project, applications and toolsets.

Thanks for following the project! If you’d like to utilise the Devery protocol to build applications, visit our NPM/Github and simply install the repository.

