May Update #1 — Devery Website Revamp, Team and Project Update

Chironjit Das
3 min readMay 19, 2018


After a whirlwind January, February & March the team was busy completing the deliverables of each of the partnerships secured as well as working to achieve the key goals as stated in the company roadmap.

We flew over to Beijing for 2 weeks in April, where we had the chance to set our plans in place for the team to be based in Beijing for a couple of months as we work to build our product alongside our existing partners.

Andrew & Chironjit with the Canya team as well as representatives from the Australian Embassy at the Yale Center in Beijing.

While there, we had the chance to meet with some amazing teams, including Canya and Nuggets. As well, we had the chance to meet the Austrade Commissioner, the person responsible for fostering and improving trade between China and Australia.

The team aims to leverage its presence in China to not just improve its product but also connect with other projects as well as brands and manufacturers. The goal is to further improve our relationships and presence within China so that we may provide an integrated solution to brands and e-commerce companies.

Website Revamp & Newsletter Relaunch!

The new site focuses on B2B enterprise, which is consistent with our guiding principles of delivering first class software solutions to the best brands in the world.

Adding to this, to further our marketing push, our email newsletter has been relaunched and we are happy to begin sharing our news to our supporters via email.

The new site has been populated with new sections and additional information such as a section dedicated to the EVE token.

Adding to that there are the 2 familiar faces in the team: Nadya and Hark. They are our community managers and have been tirelessly working to ensure round-the-clock moderation and presence across the social media channels.

Team, Mobile Application & Repositories

We are progressing on several fronts, including hiring team members, development, as well as opening our mobile application repository closer to the end of the month.

We expect in the coming months to provide updates as and when they come up, and this website revamp is the beginning of moving the Devery project in the direction that will enable adoption over time. We’ll also be announcing our newer team members, current team members moving roles and developers later in the month as we finalise contracts.

Thanks again for your support!

