Retailing 2.0: The Catalytic Roles Of AI and Computer Vision.

Serah Alansari


This article highlights the significance of retailers, exploring their various roles and efforts in bridging the connection between brands and consumers that are often overshadowed, in addition to how cutting-edge technologies, specifically Artificial intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision, are key to reshaping the landscape of retail, from product procurement to product selling. Later introducing a revolutionary tool —, that automates the creation of AI Computer Vision solutions for businesses.

The Undermined Experts in Product Sales:

Retailers, despite their significant efforts and accomplishments in selling products to end-users, are frequently overlooked or not given due attention. This oversight is often attributed to the fact that as customers, we tend to remember the brands we purchase rather than the specific retailers from which we make our purchases from. Nevertheless, retailers play a pivotal role for businesses engaged in the production and sale of goods, serving as crucial conduits to connect products with customers.

Their responsibility extends beyond mere selling, encompassing the safeguarding of products and ensuring they adhere to the standards set by the companies they represent. In addition to providing a platform for sales, retailers offer a spectrum of value-added services aimed at enticing customers to make purchases. These practices include meticulous product displays, adept stocking and inventory strategies, the creation of visually appealing retail environments, and the delivery of prompt and amiable customer services both before and after purchases. Additionally, these practices are now getting easier and faster to implement and sustain, thanks to the continuous evolution of AI; as groundbreaking technologies, such as Computer Vision, have emerged as a dominant force in revolutionising the retail industry.

Retailing 2.0:

AI and Computer Vision have revolutionised various aspects of retailing, enabling the following:

Enhanced Analytical Capabilities:

In regards to retailing, information holds paramount importance, particularly in understanding customer behaviours during their retail experiences. The acquisition of such insights is crucial for refining decision-making processes and enhancing overall customer experiences. In the past, obtaining this valuable information necessitated extensive and expensive research, often relying on individuals to conduct investigations, thereby introducing the potential for biases and errors. However, a transformative shift has occurred, thanks to the synergistic capabilities of AI and Computer Vision, these dynamic technologies have made information-getting easier, faster, cheaper and objective.

Foot Traffic Analysis:

There are several ways in which retailers can conduct in-store analysis. For starters, foot traffic analysis is a key area where AI shines. By processing video data, retailers can discern peak shopping hours, popular entrances, and areas experiencing high foot traffic. This knowledge enables the development of staff allocation and store layout for a more streamlined shopping experience.

Source: Vijayarajan S., LinkedIn.

Heatmap Generation:

Another means of in-store analysis is heatmap generation that is powered by Computer Vision. This offers a visual representation of customer activity, by which retailers can strategically position high-demand products or promotions in areas highlighted by these heatmaps, maximising visibility and engagement.

Here is a visual representation of a Heatmap:

In-Store A/B Testing:

Furthermore, A/B testing — a common practice in online settings — is extended to physical stores using Computer Vision. Retailers can experiment with subtle changes to layouts, displays, or signage, analysing customer responses to optimise elements for increased engagement and sales. This form of in-store navigation is elevated by AI and Computer Vision, as by analysing customer movements and preferences, retailers can create more intuitive store layouts and guide customers to relevant product sections, thus enhancing their overall experience.

Source: iStockPhoto.

Customer Service Automation:

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, fueled by Computer Vision capabilities, can offer instant and personalised interactions, addressing customer inquiries efficiently and providing support throughout the entire customer journey. And this is only one form of customer service automation.

Seamless and Fast Shopping Experience:

Try using Computer Vision to enhance visual search capabilities, for which customers can now search for products using images rather than text; where AI algorithms capitalise on these visual data to deliver accurate and personalised product recommendations, enriching the shopping experience. This application is suitable for online retailing, as well as offline retailing; where customers may conveniently show product images from their phones to a staff member, who will then scan the image using an AI-infused computer vision device to effortlessly gather valuable insights.

Moreover, AI and Computer Vision has significantly enhanced queue management, empowering retailers to create a more responsive and customer-centric environment. By leveraging real-time insights, retailers can adapt their resources dynamically, ensuring a well-managed and efficient checkout process that enhances overall customer satisfaction.

Source: Alamy.

Continuous Customer Support:

A similar system can be used to help keep customers informed about the status of their orders. Visual tracking and notifications provide real-time updates, fostering transparency and trust in the purchasing process. Yet, in situations where customers are unsatisfied with their purchased products, AI and Computer Vision prove indispensable for automating the resolution of problems and managing returns and exchanges. These technologies scrutinise product conditions to ensure they remain undamaged, thereby streamlining the returns or exchange process and ensuring a swift and efficient resolution of any issues.

Source: Frontier.

Improved Inventory Management:

While attending to customers and ensuring their satisfaction is crucial, it becomes inconsequential if a retailer lacks products to offer. This underscores the high significance of inventory management. The formidable synergy of AI and Computer Vision offers retailers a myriad of advantageous methods to enhance and improve their inventory management processes.

Real-Time Inventory Tracking:

First of which is real-time inventory tracking; where Computer Vision enables for concurrent tracking of product levels on store shelves and in warehouse, offering retailers accurate and up-to-the- minute information regarding the quantity of stock, to prevent the issue of stockouts, thus guaranteeing a consistent flow of product supply in order to meet customer demands. Additionally, by continuously monitoring inventory levels, the system can also automate stock replenishment processes by triggering reorder alerts or automatically placing orders when inventory reaches predefined thresholds.

Source: Neurolabs, Medium.

Demand Forecasting:

Remarkably, retailers can now forecast consumer demand by leveraging AI and Computer Vision, as these systems utilise historical purchasing data to provide predictions regarding potential future demands, aiding retailers in optimising inventory levels, reducing excess stock, and minimising the risk of overstock situations. More strategically, with Computer Vision capabilities, retailers can pinpoint their ‘best-selling’ products by continuously scanning for fast-moving items or those frequently going out-of-stock; thus signalling the importance for retailers to ensure that these high-demand products are consistently in stock.

Unified Retail Presence:

Furthermore, in a multi-channel retail environment, the collaborative intelligence of AI and Computer Vision can establish a unified view of inventory management across diverse sales channels, encompassing both online and offline platforms. This ensures meticulous detailing and pricing consistency, aiming to deliver a seamless and cohesive shopping experience for customers while averting any discrepancies in stock availability.

Stronger Security Systems:

To avoid costly incidents such as theft and other unlawful acts, retailers should start exploiting AI and Computer Vision for advanced surveillance and monitoring systems. With the power of AI and Computer Vision, the new and improved security system could continuously scrutinise store premises, swiftly detecting unusual behaviour and identifying potential shoplifting incidents in real-time.

Smarter Surveillance:

AI and Computer Vision coupled with existing security devices such as surveillance cameras, can help in anomaly detection; where AI Computer Vision algorithms analyse video feeds to identify deviations from normal customer behaviour. This includes recognizing suspicious movements or extended stays in specific areas, allowing security teams to intervene promptly and address potential theft situations.

Source: Veesion.

Facial Recognition:

Another emerging AI Computer Vision application in regards to theft prevention is the implementation of a facial recognition technology. This technology — based on AI and guided by Computer Vision — is capable of identifying known shoplifters or individuals with a history of theft. This proactive approach enables retailers to take preventive measures before incidents occur, enhancing overall security.

Here is small demonstration on how cameras sees and scan customers’ faces: To Automate Your AI Computer Vision Journey.

Interested in transforming your retail practices?

Leave it to is the greatest result of today’s modern technology. Meticulously crafted by a group of coding experts, this tool aims at revolutionising various industries — especially retailing — through the power of AI Computer Vision. offers a user-friendly No-Code platform, an ideal option for non AI experts, to easily and effortlessly label and train datasets, and deploy AI Computer Vision solutions, as a modern approach to addressing business challenges and seizing opportunities.

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