Source: Walmart Inc.

Revolutionize Retail: AI Computer Vision Dresses You Up for Success

Khadeija Khalifa


From Frustration to Fashion Freedom: How Virtual Try-On is Redefining Online Shopping

Remember the struggle of browsing clothes in crowded stores? The COVID-19 pandemic flipped the script on shopping, sending us on a digital buying spree. With online stores becoming our main way to shop, e-commerce boomed! As mentioned by a study published by the U.S. Census Bureau it showed a whopping 43% jump in online sales by 2020! Yet, While this shift increased e-commerce sales, consumers still weren’t getting the same out of the experience as they did in the store. There was still something missing about the experience.

Hence, Enter the frustration of online returns. Ever order clothes online only to have them end up back in the return pile? You’re not alone! One of the biggest challenges facing online shopping is the high rate of returns, especially for clothing. An Article by Richpanel stated a staggering 20% return rate for online apparel. The main culprit? Customers simply can’t tell how something will fit or look on them without trying it on first. This is where AI computer vision-powered virtual try-ons come in!

Introducing Your AI Computer Vision-powered Stylist: Virtual Try-On

Virtual try-on, powered by AI computer vision, is here to change the game. This innovative feature allows you to see a realistic representation of yourself in clothing, makeup, glasses, and even shoes — all from the comfort of your couch. Imagine a seamless experience where you experiment with different looks with a click. Augmented reality (AR) makes it possible!

Real Shopping experience: How it works!

Virtual try-on is surprisingly easy to use. Imagine a tiny fitting room tucked right into your phone or computer! Here’s a sneak peek:

First, grant access to your camera so the virtual fitting room can see you. In some cases, you might take a quick snap or simply stand within the frame for the technology to capture your body shape. Then comes the fun part! With a tap or click, watch yourself transform in real-time as you try on different clothes, makeup, and accessories. And the best part? Experiment endlessly — the possibilities are limitless!

The Secret of Virtual Try-On: AI Computer Vision

Imagine your phone or computer having super-detecting powers! That’s kind of what happens with virtual try-ons. This technology can turn your camera into super-smart eyes. These “eyes” can do some pretty amazing things:

Source: Oliver Sjöström
  • Pose & body shape detection: Imagine a detective meticulously analyzing a crime scene. That’s what computer vision does with your photos or videos — it meticulously analyzes your body shape to understand your posture. This is achieved through posture detection, which tracks key points on your body, like your shoulders and hips. By pinpointing these landmarks, Posture detection paints the whole picture, revealing your posture in detail.
  • Background separation: Remember cheesy green screens? Virtual try-on uses similar tech to separate you from the background, making the virtual clothes look incredibly realistic.
  • Clothing Identifier: The AI computer vision recognizes different clothes, materials, drapes, and colors. This allows it to create a virtual outfit that mimics the real thing in both looks and behavior.

Beyond Convenience: The Benefits of Virtual Try-On

Virtual try-on isn’t just fun and convenient; it empowers you to make informed decisions. You get to see how clothes actually look on you, not just a model in a staged photo. This leads to more confident purchases and less buyer’s remorse! But the benefits extend far beyond the shopper.

But guess what? While virtual try-on is a breeze to use for customers, it’s also a game-changer for retailers.

A. Say Goodbye to Return Hassles:

One of the biggest headaches as mentioned by CNBC for online retailers is return rates. Sizing can be tricky, especially without the ability to try something on first. But AI-powered virtual try-on solves this problem! By using your photo or a 3D body scan, AI can create a virtual model that allows you to see exactly how clothes will fit you. This reduces guesswork and ensures you get the perfect size or shade the first time, leading to fewer returns according to a study by Accenture.

B. Confidence That Converts into Sales:

Feeling good about what you wear is a powerful motivator. Virtual try-on allows you to see how clothes look and feel on you, boosting your confidence in your purchase decision. This leads to higher conversion rates, meaning more shoppers who browse end up buying because they feel certain about their selections.

Source: Ditar

C. Enhanced Customer Experience:

Forget the limitations of a physical fitting room. With virtual try-on, you can experiment with different styles, colors, and combinations all from your phone or computer. It will be like a personal stylist at your fingertips, 24/7! A service no customer will refuse! This not only makes shopping more fun and convenient, but it can also help you discover styles that you might not have considered before.

D. Data-Driven Management:

The power of AI computer vision-powered virtual try-on doesn’t stop at the virtual fitting room. By analyzing data from your virtual try-on sessions, retailers can gain valuable insights into your preferences. This allows retailers to recommend similar styles, complementary pieces, and even new arrivals that might be a perfect fit (literally!) for you. It can also allow retailers to optimize their inventory by stocking what customers will actually want to purchase, reducing the risk of overstocking unpopular items.

Overall, AI try-on technology is a game-changer for the retail industry. It creates a more convenient, personalized, and satisfying shopping experience for you, whilst also helping retailers streamline operations, boost sales, and make smarter business decisions.

Sephora’s Virtual Makeover Magic: Try Before You Buy & Love What You Get!

Source: VRS scout

A real-life example is with virtual try-ons! They’re not just limited to clothes they can be used in makeup and accessories as well. Sephora applied saw the opportunity and took it! With their virtual try-on app. They called it “Virtual Artist”, it’s an app that lets you try on endless looks with the power of AI. But it’s not just about pretty lipstick shades (although there are tons of those!). Here’s why this AI computer vision-powered virtual makeover tool is essential:

  • Score Flawless Finds: You’re more likely to love what you buy after a virtual try-on. Sephora wins with happier customers and a jump in sales — everyone’s a winner!
  • Makeup Matchmaker: By seeing what you virtually try on, Sephora can recommend products you’ll actually use. Plus, they can create personalized makeup tips just for you. Pretty cool, huh?
  • More Makeup, Less Mess: Say goodbye to tester germs and endless restocking! Less physical testers mean savings for Sephora, which they can put towards even more awesome makeup for you to explore.

So, next time you’re craving a makeup refresh, ditch the store and open the Sephora app. Give the virtual try-on a spin — you might just discover your new holy grail lipstick (or eyeshadow, or blush — the options are endless!).

Provide your customer with a luxury experience by applying AI Computer vision with Tuba.AI

Looking to elevate your virtual try-on offering and unlock the power of AI computer vision? DivisionX leverages Tuba.AI, the all-in-one platform, to seamlessly integrate AI computer vision and transform the online shopping experience for your customers.

Ready to unlock the full potential of virtual try-on?

At DevisionX, we are committed to simplifying the integration of virtual try-on applications into the platforms of e-commerce providers, offering comprehensive solutions through Tuba.AI as a versatile SaaS and SDK option. Our team of experts is dedicated to tailoring AI vision solutions to your exact needs, ensuring a seamless assimilation of advanced technology into your e-commerce processes. Embark on this journey by signing up to Tuba.AI, and experience the power of AI computer vision through its user-friendly platform. Start your free trial now!

For those seeking customization, explore our range of Software Development Kits (SDKs), offering versatile options such as Automatic Image Labelling, Classification Models Training, Object Detection and Segmentation Training, Model Deployment, and Job Manager. Request an SDK and begin tailoring solutions that precisely fit your unique requirements!

