Seeing Clearer: Addressing 5 Common Misconceptions About AI Computer Vision

Serah Alansari
6 min readMar 27, 2024


AI computer vision is revolutionising the way technologies as well as humans interact with the world. From self-driving cars to facial recognition software, AI computer vision is rapidly transforming various industries. But with this exciting progress comes a wave of misconceptions. Hence, this article dives into 5 of the most common questions surrounding AI computer vision. We will explore the truth behind AI computer vision’s capabilities, limitations, and its impact on the future.

Will AI Computer Vision Steal Our Jobs?

Not necessarily. While AI computer vision will undoubtedly impact the job market, it is more about transformation than elimination.

AI computer vision excels at automating visual analyses, complementing human strengths. Take assembly line inspection. The tireless computer vision system can meticulously scan products for defects at superhuman speeds, freeing up human inspectors. These inspectors do not become obsolete; they become conductors, overseeing the entire production line, using their experience and intuition to identify bottlenecks, troubleshoot complex issues, and ensure quality control in areas demanding human judgement.

The rise of AI computer vision also creates new opportunities. Data specialists, such as AI computer vision engineers and data annotators, are needed to train and maintain these powerful systems. Additionally, human oversight remains crucial for ethical considerations and complex decision-making.

Think of AI computer vision as enthusiastic partners. In this evolving workplace, each player contributes unique strengths. AI computer vision handles repetitive tasks, while humans bring their expertise and judgement to complex areas. This collaboration fosters a harmonious workflow that achieves remarkable results. Hence, the future of work with AI is not about job elimination, but rather about adaptation and collaboration. By embracing AI computer vision as a tool and focusing on developing complementary skills, we can navigate this transformation and create a future where humans and machines work together for success.

Does AI Computer Vision Understand The World Like We Do?

Yes, but it depends. Truth is, AI computer vision systems deeply rely on human’s input and intuition. Imagine training a new factory worker to identify defective car parts. We show them examples, explain what to look for, and provide parameters. Similarly, AI computer vision systems learn through data training on a massive scale. We feed them labelled images of good and defective parts, along with predefined parameters for size, shape, and colour variations. This allows them to identify defects on an assembly line with impressive accuracy, even in blurry or low-light visual conditions.

Furthermore, as AI computer vision evolves, it can become remarkably perceptive. For example, by analysing historical data and identifying patterns in defects, your AI computer vision system can eventually predict potential mishaps before they occur. This allows for preventive maintenance, reducing downtime and saving businesses money. In public spaces, AI computer vision systems can even be trained to detect suspicious activities or unusual crowd patterns, enabling communities to take proactive measures to ensure safety and security. Explore more of AI computer vision’s capabilities in various industry applications here.

Is AI Computer Vision Just Used For Monitoring?

Absolutely not! AI computer vision’s potential goes far beyond monitoring. Despite it being a valuable tool for security, its true power lies in revolutionising core sectors, and empowering them to tackle critical challenges. In agriculture for instance, AI computer vision equipped drones capture high-resolution crop images, allowing farmers to assess plant health, detect pests and diseases, and optimise irrigation for improved yields. This technology contributes to sustainable farming practices and increased food security. Whereas in manufacturing, factory robots with AI computer vision can perform complex assembly tasks with higher accuracy and speed, streamlining production lines. Computer vision based automated inspection systems identify defects in products with exceptional detail, ensuring higher quality control standards.

The retail and e-commerce sectors also benefit from AI computer vision. In-store applications can recognise customers and suggest relevant products based on their preference, on the other hand, e-commerce platforms leverage AI computer vision for image search and product recommendations, creating a smoother and more efficient shopping journey. Even smart cities are embracing AI computer vision. Traffic management systems powered by AI computer vision can optimise traffic flow and reduce congestion. Additionally, AI computer vision can be used for waste management, identifying overflowing bins and ensuring efficient collection. These applications contribute to a safer, more sustainable, and well-managed urban future.

Is AI Computer Vision Never Wrong?

Now that we have explored data training for computer vision systems, let us delve deeper. Assume that we have trained an AI computer vision system to recommend similar products to customers browsing online. Although it might excel at suggesting similar shirts for people who typically wear a certain brand or style, its accuracy could plummet for users with unique tastes or those looking for something completely different. This is not science fiction — it is a real possibility due to biased training data. Here is the crux of the issue: AI computer vision is only as good as the data it is trained on. If the training dataset primarily features images of customers purchasing similar styles or colours, the recommendations become biased. This can lead to a repetitive and uninspiring shopping experience, where users feel the system is not catering to their individual preferences or encouraging them to explore new styles.

But there are a few key strategies to combat biases in AI computer vision:

  1. Embrace diverse datasets: Ensure the training data encompasses a wide range of demographics, scenarios, and lighting conditions. This helps the AI computer vision system generalise better and avoid biases based on limited data.
  2. Conduct algorithmic auditing: Regularly monitor and audit AI computer vision systems for potential biases. Techniques like fairness metrics can help identify and mitigate algorithmic biases.
  3. Integrate your expertise: Do not let the machines make all the decisions. Integrating human expertise into the AI computer vision application loop helps ensure fairness and accountability.

Can Small Businesses and Startups Afford The Complexities of AI Computer Vision?

Large corporations and tech giants may have spearheaded AI computer vision innovation, but the technology is undergoing a democratisation process. Traditionally, this technology required expertise in coding and AI, creating a barrier for smaller businesses and individuals. However, a new wave of “No-Code” features is emerging — just as you can now create websites effortlessly without coding through builders like WordPress, you too can seamlessly develop AI computer vision models using tools such as Tuba.AI.

Tuba.AI is a user-friendly, No-Code platform that offers a one-stop shop for designing, training, and deploying AI computer vision solutions. Sign-up to Tuba.AI for a free trial now. Beyond that, Tuba.AI also offers a powerful Low-Code option through its various software development kits (SDKs), granting even small businesses the ability to customise advanced AI computer vision solutions. Request Tuba.AI’s SDK here. Nevertheless, by eliminating the need for extensive coding knowledge, Tuba.AI empowers individuals and businesses of all sizes to leverage this powerful technology, affordably and in no time.

Moreover, cloud-based computer vision solutions are eliminating the need for expensive hardware investments. Think of it like renting a high-powered computer instead of buying one. This allows individuals and small businesses to leverage cutting-edge computer vision technology without breaking the bank. The combination of user-friendly platforms, cloud-based solutions, and a collaborative online community is fostering a more democratic landscape for computer vision development. This empowers a wider range of players, from individual developers to small startups, to contribute to the exciting world of computer vision.

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