Introducing DEVITA

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3 min readOct 20, 2021

The global pandemic has unequivocally heightened our understanding of the fragility of healthcare systems and simultaneously the importance of access to healthcare in times of crisis. In particular, the current data management and quality crisis, and the problems of data liquidity in legacy healthcare systems are well recognized.

Medical errors affect 1 in every 10 patients worldwide, and in the United States alone, an estimated 250,000 patients die each year, inexorably becoming the third-leading cause of death and costing the healthcare industry an estimated $42 billion USD annually. In a similar fashion, worldwide, 2.6 million people die annually in low-and middle-income countries alone due to medical errors.

Professor of Surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Martin Makary, M.D., attributes the cause of medical error to inadequate staff competency, error in judgment, or a system defect, which includes computer malfunctions or mix-ups with the administered doses or types of medications. The economic consequence of medical error in data fragmentation and irrelevance also reverberates across a wide array of industry stakeholders, including Big Pharma and Insurance companies with losses amounting to more than $600 million USD annually.

The ineffectiveness of the legacy healthcare system in data liquidity, exacerbated by stringent legal policy pertaining to data markets and individual privacy, has necessitated the digitization of archaic healthcare processes to adequately respond to contemporary health needs and expectations. From the digital recording and storing of patient health data and automatically monitoring general health information through wearable devices to administering health services virtually, healthcare has been redefined as a data-driven industry.

Groundbreaking medical innovation in the 20th century resulted in improvements throughout every as­pect of healthcare; human mortality rates decreased, thus increasing human life expectancy from 31 years in 1900 to 79 years in 2018. Today, we are on the cusp of another healthcare revolution — one driven by advances in distributed ledger technology, which will usher in the era of modern healthcare in liberation and truth.

Data, after all, is the lifeline of healthcare today, with reliable and censorship-resistant exchanges crucial to quality and efficiency. But how is patient information protected? When can it be shared? Who gets to use it?

DEVITA is a decentralized healthcare system addressing the key shortcomings of the legacy healthcare system and providing the concrete means for greater healthcare inclusion and more efficient health data management by employing blockchain technology and creating a network of trust on which the users of the platform can securely store, transmit, and exchange personal health data.

DEVITA’s core features include a telehealth service for wider-reaching access to healthcare services, coupled with a health data marketplace and a decentralized health database with a proprietary decentralized identifier of verifiable credentials, ONE-ID. User engagement across all features is fueled by the native platform token, LIFE.

Joseph Lee, Co-founder of DEVITA, states “The first step to preventing medical error is in determining the reliability of the source of data. DEVITA’s proprietary decentralized identification solution, ONE-ID, verifies healthcare data sources and destinations, allowing the secure and reliable exchange of data between trusted parties, including patients, physicians, health providers, pharma, insurance, and other healthcare enterprises.”

By facilitating the secure flow of healthcare data in real-time, DEVITA’s benefits extend beyond those offered by health information exchanges and electronic health record service providers by solving for data liquidity. Utilizing a Peer-to-Peer networking service that features decentralized data ownership improves the Patient-Physician relationship, all whilst adhering to the GDPR, HIPAA, and other privacy regulations.

Currently, DEVITA is undergoing its final stages of development. To learn more about DEVITA, please visit or join our Telegram Community!


DEVITA is a decentralized healthcare platform applying the latest digital technologies to solve classic problems in healthcare access, data, and infrastructure.

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DEVITA is not an investment product. DEVITA is not intended in its design or distribution to be utilized as a form of investment, speculation, or as a financial product. No information herein constitutes financial advice. PLEASE do your OWN research before participating in the DEVITA Platform. Neither the DEVITA team nor any representative affiliate of the DEVITA team will ever solicit investments.




DEVITA Global is a decentralized healthcare platform applying the latest digital technologies to solve classic problems in healthcare.