Our first full-day workshop is now available! Book your spot!

DEVit Web Conference
The conference
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2018

We proudly announce our first full-day DEVit Workshop about Xamarin and Azure 👨‍💻

Xamarin and Azure: Build the mobile apps of tomorrow

Learn more about the two Workshop speakers!

We welcome Laurent Bugnion in #DEVitConf Workshops. Laurent works as Senior Global Azure Advocate for Microsoft. He is one of the foremost experts for XAML and C# based development and codes in Windows, WPF, Xamarin (iOS and Android), Unity, ASP.NET. He runs the popular Pluralsight reference course about the well known open source framework MVVM Light, which he wrote.

We welcome Jim Bennett in #DEVitConf Workshops. Jim is a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate working for Microsoft, specialized cloud-connected Xamarin apps. He is passionate about the democratization of AI and how it can be used to create mobile apps that empower people, and is the author of Xamarin In Action from Manning publications.

What is it about?

It’s hard to be a developer and not have heard of Xamarin. It’s now part of Microsoft’s ‘Any developer, any platform’ strategy, and allows you to write C# and F# code that runs on iOS and Android. Combined with the power of the cloud, you can easily build the mobile apps of tomorrow that your users will love. In fact, we are so sure you are going to love Xamarin we’re going to teach you how build an app to share photos of happy Xamarin developers.I

This workshop will take you from 0 to a fully working, cloud connected, AI powered mobile app. We’ll get you setup with Visual Studio and the Xamarin tooling on either Windows or Mac, and connect up your iPhone or Android device to Xamarin Live Player ready to run an app. Once you are set up we’ll cover the basics of Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms, then it’s heads down writing a cross-platform app — using one code base for a fully-native app that runs on both iOS and Android.

The app we build will combine accessing device hardware using Xamarin plugins, AI for face and emotion detection and cloud services like authentication and blob storage, all built using a serverless architecture.
Finally we’ll go from code to production ready, using Visual Studio App Center to build your app, monitor for crashes, gather analytics, and prepare you app for distribution. We’ll even look at wiring up push notifications so your app can be notified when someone else uploads a photo.
By the end of the day you will have a production ready, AI and cloud powered mobile app.

DEVit Workshops

We introduce you the new DEVit Workshops format!

This year we are going to introduce a new format for our workshops.

  • 3 parallel morning Workshops of 2.5 hours each
  • 3 parallel noon Workshops of 2.5 hours each
  • 3 parallel evening Workshops of 2.5 hours each
  • 2 parallel full-day Workshops of 7.5 hours each

The tickets and the topics of all the 2.5 hours workshops will be available soon. Stay tuned for the announcements on our social media and of course our newsletter.

Now is your chance to book one of your full-day Workshop. You don’t want to miss learning “Xamarin and Azure” from the top notch Microsoft speakers.



DEVit Web Conference
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