Why do I care about developers and coding community in Karachi, Pakistan?

Muhammad Kamran
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2017


if we search Community in wikipedia then we found!

A community is a small or large social unit (a group of people) who have something in common

So the last part says people who have something in common which is exactly my point we have a lot of things in common but we don’t see the first part happening which is small or large social unit.

Who am I?

I am an enthusiastic and self-motivated Javascript developer but that’s not me until May 2015 before that I spent my 8 years of life in textile industry from Supply Chain Management to Fabric to Ship Reconciliation to Production Planning then I.T Department.

You can connect with me via…

Facebook: facebook.com/devkamran

Github: github.com/smkamranqadri

Portfolio: kamranqadri.me

While I was working in textile, we have a lots of reports to be made and every report is pretty much same just the change of data, think of like a database and pulling specific record and putting that value into the report but we were doing it manually in Microsoft Excel so I started searching that how can I automate my tasks so I can’t be only computer operator. And I find out about Microsoft Visual Basic for Application so we can write in VB language to automate the ms excel operations. I started developing the applications and many of them are still using in well know textiles in Karachi. I also did corporate training and consulting servicesing for MS Excel.

In search of Community!

Enough about me back to the topic, When I entered into the world of web & mobile development I saw a lot of international communities organizing meet-ups, events and conferences across multiple countries but mostly the organizers are local developers who are enthusiastic about the technology and loved to share the knowledge, believes me I have learnt a lot from them of course by watching on youtube.

So I was very excited that if it’s also happening in Karachi too but unfortunately I have not find a single one not even videos on youtube of any previous events therefore I thought have to start it but I was nobody, no one comes to meet-up and also I don’t have any speaking experience so I started connecting with people around the industry and lucky I found out about some communities and there meet-ups.

It’s been two years, I have been attending meet-ups, events, facebook groups and they filled with a lot of crowd, But, only a few have focused on discussions and interactivity.

I saw only 25% people were coming back on the next meet-up, most of them were first timer and then they never showed up and then finally some of communities comes to an end or only alive in facebook groups or some of them not even done any meet-up just become a facebook group.

So my question is that is this what community mean?


As we read the definition of community in starting which divided in two part, first the social unit and second something in common so I ask question to my self that are those meet-ups & events fulfill these two part?

What comes in my mind that in these days, we can google for anything and there are better mediums to learn rather than attending meet-ups & events.

So, what we need from a Meet-up is a place for discussion, networking and learn from experience of speaker but unfortunately instead of attendees we saw same speaker coming over and over again.

Therefore our first mission is to encourage developers as many as possible to come and share the knowledge and experience with others also if you haven’t spoke before then we will help you in choosing topic, preparing presentation, speaking practice session so you can perform your best in front of audience.

Second is to bring not only latest but as per market trending talks to audience and those will be detailed talks not lighting talks. Also some on motivation and interpersonal skill.


Keeping in mind about the three pillars discussion, networking and experience of speaker I have initiated a community name “devncode” which is all about developers and coding.

Our first meet-up went successful which we have done with the collaboration of Facebook Dev Circle: Karachi, held at Nest I/O on 26 Aug’17.

I am very thankful to Mr. Asad Memon and Nest I/O who supports our mission and make it possible.

At the end I would like to request all developers in Karachi, please come and join us.

Our plan is to organize meet-up on every last Saturday each month so most probably next meet-up will be on 30th Sep’17 in collaboration with GDG Kolachi so stay connected.

If you want to talk on our meet-up or would like to host the meet-up then you can reach us on below contacts.

Website: devncode.tech (coming soon)

Facebook Page: facebook.com/devncode17



Muhammad Kamran

Javascript Consultant | Social Entrepreneur | Community Evangelist | influencer | Mentor