Step by Step guide to write rspec that is understandable and readable

Blueprint for your rspec. Any developer should be able to know what your code does just by looking at the test.

Milap Neupane
4 min readApr 17, 2017


We write test to cover scenarios for the functionality of our code. There is also other advantage of writing a better test. We could make the test as a documentation for the code. Following a simple pattern for writing rspec we will be able to write test faster and we will start loving to write test.

[Step 1] Describe

While writing any test the first thing you write is the describe block. Let’s suppose we are writing test for a method called play inside a JukeBox class. First describe block will contain the class name. Describe block helps you know what class/method you are writing test for.

The next thing you write in describe is the method name

Note: If your class has just a single method and no more methods will be added in that class you can skip the method describe part.

[Step 2] Context

Once the description about the method for which you are writing the test is there the next step would be to define the context. A method could work differently for different context.

Let’s add two context for the method.

  1. When user has inserted coin
  2. When user has not inserted coin

While writing context think about all the possible cases that could come in.

[Step 3] Scenario

Now inside each context write the scenario what it should be doing. In our jukebox when a coin is inserted the jukebox’s play method should return ‘a beautiful song for you’ and when the user has not inserted a coin the jukebox should return ‘no money no song :]’. So let’s add them.

[Step 4] Subject

Subject is the main part of the test. Write down how you make the method call in a subject. Put the subject at the top so that you can reuse it across different context.

Notice that i have added coin variable inside each context since the only thing that changes in these two context is the coin. If you do not define the coin variable it will throw an error that the variable coin is not defined since it is in the used in subject of the test.

[Step 5] Mock/Stub

Now mock/stub any external calls that you don’t need to cover test for. There might be some other methods being called, or any external api calls or even database calls. Let’s say this play method uses validate_coin method to know if the coin is valid or not.

[Step 6] Expectation

Now everything is set. The only thing remaining is to write the actual expectation.

All set. The test is now ready.

[Step 7] Refactor

The test is now running well. There seems to be some code that would be reused. So let’s use a variable and reuse the before each block.

With this there will be a fixed pattern of writing test. If all developers across the organisation follow the same structure it will be easy for all the developer to modify the code that someone else has written. Also if a developer wants to use a method that is already there, test helps to give the context what is the expected response of that method and what are the parameters that it takes.

