Dev Development Update

Devolved AI
Published in
Apr 11, 2024

// Dev Development //

Our Chief Technological Evangelist, together with our Lead Advisors, are poised to hold a strategic meeting with the Lead Developer of Devolved AI and their ten-strong development team tomorrow.

A pivotal meeting.

Some discussions will be as follows;

💡 Deep dive into fundamental technological advancements on substrate chain for AI + LLM

💡 Testnet for Layer 1 Launch

💡 Crafting and pinpointing industry-specific use cases for AI + LLM integration

💡 Implementing compliance measures for EU and US regulatory frameworks

💡 Explore acceleration strategies for faster development

💡 Align roadmap with development of key partners

💡 An overview of the consensus and block production mechanisms being built and how they ensure security, scalability, and decentralization

This is a brief summary of topics.

~ Collaborative brilliance ~

~ Incentivizing mankind’s intelligence ~

> $AGC

