4 Azure Services to Improve Performance of Applications

Consider those four Azure Services to speed up your application on the Cloud

Marcello Marrocos
DevOps, Cloud & IT Career


Developing software solutions has evolved in the last years, and with the introduction of cloud technologies and services, the bunch of options available was exponentially increased.

It leads us to explore new options when designing the architecture of the software. With so many different services, sometimes it becomes difficult to choose a solution when creating a new application.

In this article, I want to share four solutions, how they can be used to improve the performance of an application, and why they should be considered in your next architecture.

Photo by Joey Kyber on Unsplash

Note, however, that several aspects of an application must be considered when defining the solution to achieve a desired level of performance.

Using one — or more combined — of the following services on a scenario is one of the factors to be considered when designing your solution.



Marcello Marrocos
DevOps, Cloud & IT Career

DevOps and Cloud avocado | http://www.mrmarrocos.com | DevOps, Cloud & IT Career Publication http://devopscloudit.com | Microsoft Azure Certified.