An Overview of Azure Integration Services

The role of API Management, Logic Apps, Service Bus and Event Grid

Marcello Marrocos
DevOps, Cloud & IT Career


Azure Integration Services is a Microsoft cloud offering of services for mission-critical integrations. It provides a serverless compute experience that drives consistency and efficiency when connecting applications.

A subcategory of PaaS — Platform as a Service — the iPaaS is the term that refers to the integration platforms offered as a service.

API Management, Logic Apps, and Service Bus, and Event Grid are the products provided by Azure for integration solutions that make easier the life of the developers.

Understanding your tool and applying it to the right scenario is fundamental. For example, you don’t use a screwdriver when you need to put a nail on the wall — you use a hammer.

The same applies to the integration tools. You must plan and use the most suitable component according to the needs of your scenario.

The key components need to be put together on a robust and reusable platform, so we don’t need to design the integration all the time.

The components that are part of it are APIs, Workflows and Orchestration, Enterprise Messaging, and Events.



Marcello Marrocos
DevOps, Cloud & IT Career

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