GitHub Satellite 2020 — Recap and Insights

A summary and review of Codspaces, Discussions, npm, Dependencies, Security, Actions, Packages… and much more!

Marcello Marrocos
DevOps, Cloud & IT Career


A couple of weeks ago, I heard about GitHub Satellite from my network on Twitter. The event happened last May 6th and 7th, 2020.

Image from GitHub Satellite

I had just written the following article discussing the future of Azure DevOps now that Microsoft acquired, around two years ago, GitHub.

So that was the right timing. The event was free, but I also got tickets for the workshops — which had an additional cost. I was very interested in the content, but also all the proceeds of the workshop were donated to organizations that are handling COVID-19 relief efforts.

I took two days off work to be fully dedicated to this event, and it worthed.

Now, allow me to share my recap and insights from this awesome event.


Nat Friedman, Chief Executive Officer of GitHub, gave a gentle introduction of what…



Marcello Marrocos
DevOps, Cloud & IT Career

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