GitLab with AKS Runner

Fernando Karnagi
DevOps Configuration Experiences
2 min readJul 28, 2024

This story shares my experience on setting up GitLab runners on AKS Cluster.

Prepare the AKS Cluster

(planned to hack my cluster? trust me, this cluster has been deleted :) )

Create namespace

kubectl create namespace runner1

Prepare the values.yaml

# The GitLab Server URL (with protocol) that you want to register the runner against
# ref:

# The registration token for adding new runners to the GitLab server
# Retrieve this value from your GitLab instance
# For more info:
runnerRegistrationToken: "1234567"

# For RBAC support:
create: true

# Run all containers with the privileged flag enabled
# This flag allows the docker:dind image to run if you need to run Docker commands
# Read the docs before turning this on:
privileged: true

Install the chart

helm repo add gitlab
helm repo update

Release the helm

helm install --namespace runner1 --create-namespace -f values.yaml gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner

Check the helm

helm --namespace runner1 get all gitlab-runner

Check Pods

kubectl -n runner1 get all

Runner is up now



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