Publishing Docker Image to JFrog Docker Registry

Fernando Karnagi
DevOps Configuration Experiences
2 min readJan 1, 2020

This article explains how to publish docker image to JFrog Docker Registry


Before proceeding with this article, you might want to complete installation, as explained in this article and enable NGINX SSL, as explained in this article

Create Docker Local

Docker registry contains Docker images meta-data and binaries, and stored locally in the JFrog Artifactory server. In order to do this, you need to create Docker Local

Create Docker Virtual

Docker local will only contains the custom pushed docker images. How about other public images? Well, we need to have docker remote (this is beyond the scope of this article). Once we have both docker local and remote, you need to combine these two into docker virtual.

Pushing Docker Image

Right now, we have Docker registry ready. Let’s create new image and push it there.

Assume that we have a local docker image with this tag ‘ff9697bb6132’. Let’s tag it properly.

docker tag ff9697bb6132

Then push it

docker push

View in JFrog Artifactory UI

Once published, you can find the docker image here

