Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced DevOps— Part 2

Get Ahead in Your Kubernetes Interview with In-Depth Knowledge of Best Practices for Securing a Kubernetes Cluster, Common Networking Challenges, and different objects type.

Ink Insight 🧘🏼
DevOps Dudes
6 min readMay 15, 2023


Hello again! Welcome to Part 2 of our Kubernetes interview questions and answers series. If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, I highly recommend doing so before diving into this article. In Part 1, we covered some essential questions related to Kubernetes architecture, deployments, and containerization.

In this article, we’ll be exploring some more advanced topics related to Kubernetes security, networking, and admission controllers. So, whether you’re a seasoned Kubernetes professional or just starting out, I hope this article will help you prepare for your next Kubernetes interview.

Question 1: What is the difference between a StatefulSet and a Deployment in Kubernetes? When would you use one over the other?

A Deployment in Kubernetes is used to manage a set of identical Pods. It is useful when you want to scale your application up or down, perform rolling updates, or roll back to a previous version of your application. A StatefulSet, on the other hand, is used for stateful applications that require unique identities or stable network identities. StatefulSets guarantee stable network identities and persistent storage, making them a better choice for stateful applications like databases.

When deciding between a StatefulSet and a Deployment, we need to consider the following:

  • Does your application require unique identities or stable network identities?
  • Does your application require persistent storage?
  • Does your application require ordered or parallel scaling?

Question 2: What is a Kubernetes operator, and how does it relate to the concept of “infrastructure as code”?

A Kubernetes operator is a piece of software that extends the Kubernetes API to automate complex, stateful applications. It takes the “infrastructure as code” concept to the next level by providing a way to model and automate complex application-specific operational knowledge in code.

Operators use Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define new Kubernetes API objects and associated controllers to manage the lifecycle of those objects. This allows operators to automate everything from application configuration and deployment to backup and restore.

Question 3: What are some common issues that can arise when running a Kubernetes cluster at scale, and how can you address them?

When running a Kubernetes cluster at scale, you might encounter issues such as:

  • Resource contention: This occurs when multiple Pods or nodes compete for the same resources, causing performance issues. To address this, you can use resource requests and limits to allocate resources more efficiently.
  • Networking issues: This includes problems with routing, DNS resolution, and load balancing. To address this, you can use Kubernetes networking solutions such as Service and Ingress.
  • Application failures: This occurs when Pods or nodes fail, causing downtime or reduced availability. To address this, you can use Kubernetes controllers like Deployments and StatefulSets to manage the lifecycle of your application and ensure high availability.
  • Security issues: This includes problems with authentication, authorization, and encryption. To address this, you can use Kubernetes security features such as RBAC and network policies.

Question 4: How would you design a Kubernetes architecture for a large-scale, multi-tenant application, and what factors would you need to consider?

Designing a Kubernetes architecture for a large-scale, multi-tenant application requires careful consideration of several factors, including:

  • Resource allocation: You need to ensure that each tenant has enough resources to run their applications without impacting other tenants. This can be achieved through resource quotas and limits.
  • Security: You need to ensure that each tenant’s data and applications are isolated from other tenants. This can be achieved through network policies and RBAC.
  • Scalability: You need to ensure that your architecture can scale to meet the demands of a large number of tenants. This can be achieved through horizontal scaling and load balancing.
  • Monitoring and logging: You need to ensure that you can monitor and troubleshoot your architecture to detect and address issues quickly. This can be achieved through monitoring and logging tools such as Prometheus and Grafana.

To design a Kubernetes architecture for a large-scale, multi-tenant application, you can use Kubernetes features such as namespaces, network policies, RBAC, and resource quotas. You can also use tools like Istio to implement a service mesh for more advanced networking capabilities. Additionally, you can use Kubernetes operators to automate the management of your architecture and reduce the risk of human error.

Question 5: What is a Kubernetes service and how does it work?

A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction layer that provides a stable, network endpoint for accessing one or more Pods. Services are used to decouple the Pod IP address from the client accessing the Pod, allowing for dynamic routing and discovery of Pods as they are created and destroyed.

A Service acts as a load balancer, distributing traffic across all the Pods that match a specific label selector. By default, Services are exposed within the cluster but can be exposed externally using a NodePort or LoadBalancer type.

Question 6: How does Kubernetes networking work, and what are some common challenges you might face when working with Kubernetes networking?

Kubernetes networking allows Pods to communicate with each other within a cluster, as well as with external services outside the cluster. Kubernetes networking uses a flat network model, where each Pod is assigned its own IP address and can communicate with other Pods using that IP address. To enable communication between Pods across different nodes in the cluster, Kubernetes uses a network plugin that implements a container networking interface (CNI) specification.

Some common challenges when working with Kubernetes networking include:

  • Network isolation: It can be difficult to isolate traffic between Pods or between the cluster and external networks without proper network policies and firewall rules.
  • IP address conflicts: Because each Pod is assigned its own IP address, there can be conflicts if multiple Pods are assigned the same IP address.
  • Network latency: Communication between Pods across different nodes can be slower than communication within the same node, which can impact application performance.

To address these challenges, you can use Kubernetes network policies to define rules for network traffic, configure Pod IP address ranges to avoid conflicts and use container networking plugins that optimize network performance.

Question 7: What are some common Kubernetes objects you have worked with, and how have you used them?

Some common Kubernetes objects I have worked with include Pods, Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, and Secrets. Pods are used to deploy individual applications or microservices, while Deployments are used to manage the lifecycle of the Pods and ensure they are running the desired number of replicas. Services are used to provide a stable network endpoint for accessing the Pods, while ConfigMaps and Secrets are used to store application configuration and sensitive data, respectively.

I have used these objects to deploy and manage a variety of applications in Kubernetes, including web applications, APIs, and background workers. For example, I have used Deployments to perform rolling updates of a web application without downtime, and Services to load balance traffic across multiple instances of an API. I have also used ConfigMaps to inject configuration data into an application at runtime, and Secrets to securely store credentials and other sensitive data.

These questions are just a starting point for preparing for a Kubernetes interview, and there are many other topics and questions that you might encounter. It’s important to have a solid understanding of Kubernetes architecture, networking, deployment strategies, security, and troubleshooting, as well as experience designing and managing Kubernetes clusters in production environments.

I hope these questions have provided some valuable insights and tips for preparing for a Kubernetes interview. Good luck for your interview!

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Ink Insight 🧘🏼
DevOps Dudes

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