Getting started with HeartBeat

vikas yadav
DevOps Dudes
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2021

Monitor uptime for your applications and servers

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Heartbeat is a lightweight shipper that can periodically check the status of your services and determine whether they are available.

Heartbeat currently supports monitors for checking hosts via:

  • ICMP (v4 and v6) Echo Requests. Use the icmp monitor when you simply want to check whether a service is available. This monitor requires root access.
  • TCP. Use the tcp monitor to connect via TCP. You can optionally configure this monitor to verify the endpoint by sending and/or receiving a custom payload.
  • HTTP. Use the http monitor to connect via HTTP. You can optionally configure this monitor to verify that the service returns the expected response, such as a specific status code, response header, or content.

Lab Setup

In this article, We’ll need a single-node elastic search cluster(refer to this article for instructions) and two apache webservers. I have used the GCP platform to build my test lab since it offers $300 USD free trial credit but you can do it on your servers or any other public cloud platform as well.

Heartbeat Installation

Note: You’ll need an existing elastic search cluster to store log data and Kibana to visualize this data. We will also need metric beat installed on this server.

  1. Please read this article to help set up a single-node elastic search instance and Kibana.
  2. Please read this article to help set up the metric beat.

We’ll use the APT repository method to install Heartbeat.

Installation and configuration of heartbeat on ELK Server

  1. Install heartbeat
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install heartbeat-elastic

2. Configure heartbeat

sudo nano /etc/heartbeat/heartbeat.yml### Live Reloaddingreload.enabled: truereload.period: 5s### Kibanahost: “localhost:5601”### elasticsearch outputhosts: [“localhost:9200”]protocol: “http”username: “elastic”password: “goodwitch”### logging.to_files: truelogging.level: infologging.to_files: truelogging.files:path: /var/log/heartbeatname: heartbeatkeepfiles: 7permissions: 0644### setup monitoring through metricbeathttp.enabled: truehttp.port: 5069

3. Enable beat-pack if not already enabled

sudo metricbeat modules enable beat-xpack

4. configure beat-expack

sudo nano /etc/metricbeat/modules.d/beat-xpack.ymlhosts: [“http://localhost:5069"]username: “beats_system”password: “avatar”

5. Validate metricbeat service is running

systemctl status metricbeat

6. start heartbeat

systemctl start heartbeat-elastic

7. configure monitors

cp sample.icmp.yml.disabled icmp.ymlcp sample.http.yml.disabled http.ymlcp sample.tcp.yml.disabled tcp.yml

7.1 ICMP monitor

id: icmp-statusname: icmp status checkenabled: truehosts: [“”, “”]tags: [“web-tier”]

7.2 http monitor

id: web-statusname: web status checkenabled: trueenabled: truehosts: [“http://localhost:9200", “http://localhost:5601"]username: ‘elastic’password: ‘goodwitch’tags: [“elk”]

7.3 tcp monitor

id: ssh-statusname: ssh status checkenabled: truehosts: [“”]

8. Stack monitoring

If your heartbeat service has been successfully deployed and configured, you should be able to see heartbeat come up under stack monitoring-> Beats

11. Dashboards

Finally, you can go to dashboards and check one of the pre-built dashboards for heartbeat

So, here’s how you can configure audit beat to monitor your users and processes.

If you want to do some hands-on practice on Elaticsearch, here is the link to my youtube playlist where I show you how to can set up a lab setup with 2 apache servers feeding data to a single-node Elasticsearch cluster deployed on a google cloud platform or GCP.



vikas yadav
DevOps Dudes

IT engineer with 14 years of experience in IT with recent experience in Solution design, Big data, and log analytics.