GraphQL vs REST vs gRPC

Choosing the right protocol for the job

Tj Blogumas
DevOps Dudes


Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

If you’ve read an article or even some brief description of GraphQL, it probably included a line about what it does better than REST and other APIs. Glancing over the question like that isn’t really fair though is it? You won’t get the whole picture without really looking at each API’s uses and advantages so let’s try to dig a bit into that here.

GraphQL — the new standard

GraphQL is a flexible system for requesting data that focuses on pinpoint requests and delivering exactly what is required. What sets GraphQL apart from other APIs is its unique approach, it’s client-driven. Instead of handling it as usual (i.e. server to a client), where the client decides how everything is handled. The main benefits are:

  • Adaptability — the client decides what data they want, how they want it and what format they want to get it in,
  • Efficiency — delivers exactly what the client requests without over fetching,
  • Flexibility — GraphQl is cross-platform and supports more than a dozen languages (Perl, Java, Python, PHP among others).



Tj Blogumas
DevOps Dudes

DevOps Architect @ a large financial institution. DevOps practitioner for over a decade. Technology and Automation enthusiast.