Running the Latest AWS Load Balancer Controller in Your AWS EKS Cluster

Tiexin Guo
DevOps Dudes
Published in
6 min readNov 2, 2020


Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

Latest? How Latest?

Photo by Sushobhan Badhai on Unsplash

When I say “latest”, I mean real “latest”: the AWS Load Balancer Controller is only introduced publicly on Oct 23rd, 2020 here.

Intro to ALB Ingress Controller

Formerly known as the ALB Ingress Controller, it has been available for quite a long time.

Now it has been rebranded to AWS Load Balancer Controller (you can think of it as ALB v2), it integrates both ALB and NLB capabilities.

If you haven’t read my article on EKS Ingress, you should do it now here:

There is a section mentioning all the different ingress controllers available in EKS.

TL;DR: An application load balancer serves as the single point of contact for clients. The load balancer distributes incoming application traffic across…

