What is Service-Mesh and what it brings to Microservices

An introduction to the new application architecture pattern of Service Mesh

Tj Blogumas
DevOps Dudes


Source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QiXK0B9FhO0/maxresdefault.jpg

Wow, has application architecture evolved in the last five years or what? The monolithic application has become a bunch of independent microservices. Collectively, they are building the same product/functionality as it’s monolithic version. As these many microservices need to work as a team, they need to continually communicate Egress or Ingress with each other and exchange the data with fast, secure, and reliable into account.

Example Service Mesh

Service-Mesh means networking of services, Istio is a project which developed different components collaboratively work as a service mesh product to manage and control the networking between microservices. In other words, separating the business logic in your microservice and it’s communication and networking layer.

We can achieve this by injecting another container in the same application pod running in Kubernetes platform called sidecar (envoy), so now we have two different containers in one pod, one is for running your business application, and other is managing its interaction…



Tj Blogumas
DevOps Dudes

DevOps Architect @ a large financial institution. DevOps practitioner for over a decade. Technology and Automation enthusiast.