DevOps Capstone Project 2 — How to Automate the CI/CD Pipeline Without Modify The Docker Containers

Visal Tyagi
Published in
24 min readAug 7, 2024


Project Requirements are as given below:

Description of the Project & What to Do?

You are hired as a DevOps Engineer for Analytics Pvt Ltd. This company is a product based organization which uses Docker for their containerization needs within the company. The final product received a lot of traction in the first few weeks of launch. Now with the increasing demand, the organization needs to have a platform for automating deployment, scaling and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. As a DevOps Engineer, you need to implement a DevOps lifecycle such that all the requirements are implemented without any change in the Docker containers in the testing environment.

Up until now, this organization used to follow a monolithic architecture with just 2 developers. The product is present on:

Following are the specifications of the lifecycle:

1. Git workflow should be implemented. Since the company follows a monolithic architecture of development, you need to take care of version control. The release should happen only on the 25th of every month.

2. CodeBuild should be triggered once the commits are made in the master branch.

3. The code should be containerized with the help of the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile should be built every time if there is a push to GitHub. Create a custom Docker image using a Dockerfile.

4. As per the requirement in the production server, you need to use the Kubernetes cluster and the containerized code from Docker Hub should be deployed with 2 replicas. Create a Node-Port service and configure the same for port 30008.

5. Create a Jenkins Pipeline script to accomplish the above task.

6. For configuration management of the infrastructure, you need to deploy the configuration on the servers to install necessary software and configurations.

7. Using Terraform, accomplish the task of infrastructure creation in the AWS cloud provider.

Architectural Advice:

Software’s to be installed on the respective machines using configuration management.

Worker1: Jenkins,

Worker2: Docker, Kubernetes

Worker3: Java, Docker, Kubernetes

Worker4: Docker, Kubernetes

Proposed Solution:

Note: Starting the Solution from the last or seventh point & Ends to the second point.

DevOps Capstone Project 2 — Automate the CI/CD Pipeline Without Changes In The Docker Containers
DevOps Capstone Project 2 — Automate the CI/CD Pipeline Without Changes In The Docker Containers

Check the Git Hub Repository for this Assignment to Copy the Commands & Code:

1. Create an Instance Manually on AWS

Step 1: Go to the “Services” section & search “EC2” here. Put the cursor over “EC2” & click on “Instances” here.

Search EC2 & Click on Instances
Search EC2 & Click on Instances

Step 2: Click on “Launch Instances”.

Launch a New Instance
Launch a New Instance

Step 3: Choose “Name” as “Machine-1 (Main)” in the “Name and tags” section.

Write the Instance Name
Write the Instance Name

Step 4: Choose “AMI” as “ubuntu”.

Choose the “Ubuntu AMI”
Choose the “Ubuntu AMI”

Step 5: Choose the “Instance type” as “t2.medium”.

Select the Instance Type (t2.medium)
Select the Instance Type (t2.medium)

Step 6: Choose the “key pair (name) — required” as “Demo”.

Select the Key Pair
Select the Key Pair

Step 7: In the “Network Settings”, choose the “Select existing security group” in the “Firewall (security groups)” & While choosing the “Common security groups” as “default”.

Choose the Security Group
Choose the Security Group

Step 8: Click on “Launch Instance” in the “Summary” section.

Launch Instance
Launch Instance

Step 9: The “Instance” will be successfully launched, click on “hyperlink (i-0c9c9e04596b415b3).

Click Hyperlink
Click Hyperlink

Step 10: The Instance “[Machine-1 (Main)]” will be in the “Running” State.

Running Instance
Running Instance

Step 11: Select the Instance & Click on “Connect”.

Select the Instance
Select the Instance

Step 12: Again, click on “Connect”.

Connect the “Machine-1 (Main)” Instance
Connect the “Machine-1 (Main)” Instance

Step 13: First, update the machine using the below-given command:

sudo apt-get update
Update the Machine-1 (Main) Instance
Update the Machine-1 (Main) Instance

Step 14: The machine [Machine-1 (Main)] will be successfully updated.

Machine-1 (Main) Updated Successfully
Machine-1 (Main) Updated Successfully

2. Install Terraform on Instance [Machine-1 (Main)]

Step 1: First, we will install the “gnupg”, “software-properties-common” & “curl” packages to verify the “Hashicorp GPG signature” & install “Hashicorp’s Debian package repository”.

Paste the below-given command & press “enter” from the keyboard.

sudo apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common
Install the “gnupg”, “software-properties-common” & “curl” packages
Install the “gnupg”, “software-properties-common” & “curl” packages

Step 2: Install the “Hashicorp GPG Key”. Paste the below-given script & press “enter” from the keyboard.

wget -O- | \
gpg - dearmor | \
sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
Install the “Hashicorp GPG Key”
Install the “Hashicorp GPG Key”

Step 3: Verify the Key’s Fingerprint using the below-given command:

gpg --no-default-keyring \
--keyring /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg \
Verify the Key’s Fingerprint
Verify the Key’s Fingerprint

Step 4: Add the official “Hashicorp repository” to your system. The lsb_release –cs command finds the distribution release codename for your current system such as “buster”, “groovy” or “sid”.

Paste the below-given command & press “enter” from the keyboard.

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
Add the official “Hashicorp repository”
Add the official “Hashicorp repository”

Step 5: Again, update the machine using the below-given command:

sudo apt-get update
Update the Machine-1 (Main)Again
Update the Machine-1 (Main)Again

Step 6: Now, install “Terraform” using the below-given command:

sudo apt-get install terraform –y
Install the Terraform to the “Machine-1 (Main)
Install the Terraform to the “Machine-1 (Main)

Step 7: Check whether “Terraform” has been successfully installed or not. Use the below-given command :

terraform -help
terraform help command
terraform help command

It will display the “Terraform Commands”.

Step 8: Check the “Terraform Version” using the below-given command:

terraform --version
Check the “Terraform” Version
Check the “Terraform” Version

It will show the “Terraform Version”.

3. Run “Terraform Script” to Create Other Three Instances

Step 1: Create a“” file using the below-given command:

Create a file
Create a file

Step 2: Paste the below-given terraform script in the file:

provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-2"
resource "aws_instance" "Kubernetes_Master" {
ami = "ami-0aff18ec83b712f05"
instance_type = "t2.medium"
subnet_id = "subnet-013d8f5f0f962f5fc"
key_name = "Demo"
tags = {
Name = "Machine-3"
resource "aws_instance" "Kubernetes_Slave1" {
ami = "ami-0aff18ec83b712f05"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
subnet_id = "subnet-013d8f5f0f962f5fc"
key_name = "Demo"
tags = {
Name = "Machine-2"
resource "aws_instance" "Kubernetes_Slave2" {
ami = "ami-0aff18ec83b712f05"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
subnet_id = "subnet-013d8f5f0f962f5fc"
key_name = "Demo"
tags = {
Name = "Machine-4"

Note: Here, you must take that subnet ID where you have created your “Machine-1 (Main) Instance”.

Paste the Script in the “” file
Paste the Script in the “” file

Do “CTRL+X” to “Exit” & Press “Yes” to“Save”. Press “enter” from the keyboard to completely exit.

Step 3: Run the below-given command for initializing the “Terraform”:

terraform init
Initialize the Terraform
Initialize the Terraform

It will initialize the “Terraform” & install the needed plugins.

Step 4: Now, run the below-given command before executing the “Terraform Script”:

aws configure
Paste the AWS Access & Secret Key for Terraform Working
Paste the AWS Access & Secret Key for Terraform Working

Put the “AWS Access Key” & “AWS Secret Key” with the region name here.

The default Output Format will be “json” here.

Step 5: Now, use the below-given command to add the “plan”:

terraform plan
Add a Plan
Add a Plan

The plan will be successfully added

Plan Added
Plan Added

Step 6: Now, use the below-given command to apply the changes:

terraform apply
Execute the Terraform Script via terraform apply
Execute the Terraform Script via terraform apply

Type “Yes” to continue.

Type “Yes” to Continue
Type “Yes” to Continue

The instance will be successfully created.

Instances Started Creating
Instances Started Creating
Instances Successfully Created
Instances Successfully Created

Step 7: All the machines will be successfully created.

Created Instances Via Terraform
Created Instances Via Terraform

Step 8: Now, we will rename these created machines:

Machine-2 as Machine-2(KBSV1) — KBSV1 means Kubernetes Slave1

Machine-3 as Machine-3(KBM) — KBM means Kubernetes Master

Machine-4 as Machine-4 (KBSV2) — KBSV2 means Kubernetes Slave2

Rename All the Created Instances via Terraform
Rename All the Created Instances via Terraform

4. Install “Ansible” on Machine 1 (main)

Step 1: Go to the “Machine-1” & first update the machine using the below-given command:

sudo apt-get update
Update the Machine 1 Again
Update the Machine 1 Again

Step 2: Run the below-given command:

sudo apt install software-properties-common
Install the “Software Properties Common”
Install the “Software Properties Common”

All the packages will be already installed here.

Step 3: Now, add the repository to install the“Ansible” machine using the below-given command:

sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
Add the Repository to Install the Ansible Tool
Add the Repository to Install the Ansible Tool

Step 4: Install the Ansible using the below-given command:

sudo apt-get install ansible
Ansible Installation Command
Ansible Installation Command

Type “Y” to continue the “Ansible Installation”.

Type “Y” to continue Ansible Installation
Type “Y” to continue Ansible Installation

Step 5: Type the below-given command to check the “Ansible” version:

ansible --version
Ansible Version
Ansible Version

If the version is shown here, it means “Ansible” has been successfully installed.

Step 6: Go to the .ssh directory using the below-given command:

cd .ssh/

Type the below-given command to create the public & private keys:


Press “enter” from the keyboard three times.

Create the public & private keys
Create the public & private keys

The “Public” & “Private” Keys will be successfully generated.

Step 7: Type the below-given command to copy the “” content:

sudo cat

Copy this content using the right-click.

Copy the “Public Key” Content
Copy the “Public Key” Content

Step 8: Now, we will paste this key content to all three machines individually. First, you have to go to the “.ssh” directory in all the three machines using the below-given command:

cd .ssh/
Machine 2 SSH directory
Machine 2 SSH directory
Machine-3 SSH Directory
Machine-3 SSH Directory
Machine-4 SSH Directory
Machine-4 SSH Directory

Step 9: Open the “authorized_keys” in all three machines using the below-given command:

sudo nano authorized_keys
Open the authorized_keys file in the Machine-2
Open the authorized_keys file in the Machine-2
Open the authorized_keys file in the Machine-3
Open the authorized_keys file in the Machine-3
Open the authorized_keys file in the Machine-4
Open the authorized_keys file in the Machine-4

Step 11: Paste the “” content in all the three machines.

Paste the Public Key Content in the Machine-2
Paste the Public Key Content in the Machine-2
Paste the Public Key Content in the Machine-3
Paste the Public Key Content in the Machine-3
Paste the Public Key Content in the Machine-4
Paste the Public Key Content in the Machine-4

Do “CTRL+X” to exit & press “Y” to save the file. Press “enter” from the keyboard to completely exit from all three authorized_keys files.

5. Paste the Private IP Addresses of Slaves in the hosts File

Step 1: Exit from the .ssh/ directory using the below-given command:

cd ..
Change the Directory
Change the Directory

Step 2: Go to the “hosts” file in “Ansible” using the below-given command:

sudo nano /etc/ansible/hosts
Open the hosts file
Open the hosts file

Step 3: Paste the slaves & master private IP Addresses here:

Machine3 ansible_host=
Machine2 ansible_host=
Machine4 ansible_host=
Paste the master & slaves instances Private IP Addresses Here
Paste the master & slaves instances Private IP Addresses Here

Do “CTRL+X” to exit & Press “Y” to save the file. Press “enter” from the keyboard to completely exit.

Step 4: Now, we will ping all machines using the below-given command:

ansible -m ping all
Ping all the Machines
Ping all the Machines

Type “yes” three times and all the machines will be successfully connected.

All Machines Pinged Successfully
All Machines Pinged Successfully

6. Create Three Scripts for Installing Required Tools on Machines

Worker 1 — Jenkins & Java Must Be Installed.

Worker 2: Docker & Kubernetes

Worker 3: Java, Docker & Kubernetes

Worker 4: Docker & Kubernetes

Step 1: First, create the script file to install “Java” & “Jenkins” Over “Machine-1”. Use the below-given command to create the “” file:

Create the file
Create the file

Step 2: Paste the below-given scripts here to Install the “Java” & “Jenkins”.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre-headless -y
sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc \
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins -y
Paste the Above Script to Install the Java and Jenkins Tools on Machine-1
Paste the Above Script to Install the Java and Jenkins Tools on Machine-1

Do “CTRL+X” to exit from the file & Save the file using “CTRL+S”. Exit from the file by pressing the “enter” from the keyboard.

Step 3: Now, create the script file to install “Java”, “Docker”, & “Kubernetes” Over “Machine-3”. Use the below-given command to create the “” file:

Create the file
Create the file

Step 4: Paste the following scripts here to Install “Java”, “Docker” & “Kubernetes”.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre-headless -y
sudo apt-get install -y
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
sudo swapoff -a
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gpg
sudo mkdir -p -m 755 /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg - dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg
echo 'deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg] /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
sudo systemctl enable --now kubelet
Paste the Above Script to Install the Java, Docker and Kubernetes on Machine-3
Paste the Above Script to Install the Java, Docker and Kubernetes on Machine-3

Do “CTRL+X” to exit from the file & Save the file using “CTRL+S”. Exit from the file by pressing the “enter” from the keyboard.

Step 5: Again, create the script file to install “Docker” & “Kubernetes” over“Machine-2” & “Machine-4”. Use the below-given command to create the “” file:

Create the file
Create the file

Step 6: Paste the following scripts here to Install the “Docker” & “Kubernetes”.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
sudo swapoff -a
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gpg
sudo mkdir -p -m 755 /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg
echo 'deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg] /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
sudo systemctl enable --now kubelet
Paste the Above Script to Install Docker and Kubernetes on Slave2 & Slave4
Paste the Above Script to Install Docker and Kubernetes on Slave2 & Slave4

Do “CTRL+X” to exit from the file & Save the file using “CTRL+S”. Exit from the file by pressing the “enter” from the keyboard.

7. Create the Playbooks to Run these Scripts to Install the Much Needed Tools

Step 1: Create a playbook using the below-given command:

nano play.yaml
Create the play.yaml file
Create the play.yaml file

Step 2: Paste the below-given script to run all the script files here:

- name: install Jenkins & Java on Machine 1
become: true
hosts: localhost
- name: running script1

- name: install Java, Docker & Kubernetes on Machine-1
become: true
hosts: master
- name: running script2

- name: install Docker & Kubernetes on Machine-2&4
become: true
hosts: slaves
- name: running script3
Paste the Ansible Script Here
Paste the Ansible Script Here

Do “CTRL+X” to exit from the file & Save the file using “CTRL+S”. Exit from the file by pressing the “enter” from the keyboard.

Step 3: Check the syntax using the below-given command:

ansible-playbook play.yaml --syntax-check
Check the Script Syntax
Check the Script Syntax

The syntax is “OK” here. No Problem.

Step 4: Now, we will run the “play.yaml” using the below-given command:

ansible-playbook play.yaml
Execution of Script Started
Execution of Script Started
Changed to the localhost
Changed to the localhost
Changed to the “Machine-3”
Changed to the “Machine-3”
The Code will be installed on All the Machines
The Code will be installed on All the Machines

The execution of the “Scripts” will be getting started.

8. Configure Kubernetes Slaves Properly on Machine-3

Step 1: Go to the “Machine-3 (KBM)” & paste the below-given command to initialize the “kubeadm”.

sudo kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=
Initialize the kubeadm
Initialize the kubeadm

Press “enter” from the keyboard.

Step 2: Copy this token & Paste it into Machine-2 & Machine-4 one by one using the “sudo” command.

sudo kubeadm join - token deah3l.63iy82w2wemxob0i \
- discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:fcef755283501fdbe7e734dd6f52c657737b8300d93abadbcbe1cfb0f18d5fe5
Paste the Token to the “Machine-2”
Paste the Token to the “Machine-2”
Paste the Token to the “Machine-4”
Paste the Token to the “Machine-4”

Both the Machines 2 & 4 successfully joined the nodes.

Step 3: Paste the below-given commands in the “Master” node:

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Config commands
Config commands

Step 4: Install the “Calico Network” to run the cluster using the below-given command:

curl -O
Install the Calico Network
Install the Calico Network

Step 5: Run the below-given command:

calico.yaml file shown
calico.yaml file shown

Your “calico.yaml” file will be shown.

Step 6: Run the below-given command:

kubectl apply -f calico.yaml
Create the calico network on the “Master” node
Create the calico network on the “Master” node

Step 7: All the deployments have been successfully created. Now, run the below-given command to get all the nodes:

kubectl get no 
All Nodes Joined Successfully
All Nodes Joined Successfully

9. Configure Jenkins Setup Properly Here on Machine-1

Step 1: Copy the “Machine-1 (Main) Public IP Address” with 8080 in the browser address bar. A command will be given, copy the below-given command from here:

Paste the Machine-1 Code with 8080 & Copy the Code
Paste the Machine-1 Code with 8080 & Copy the Code

Step 2: Go to the “Machine-1 (Main)” & paste the below-given command with “sudo cat”.

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Paste the Code to the Machine-1 & Copy the Code
Paste the Code to the Machine-1 & Copy the Code

A token will be given. Copy this token from here.

Step 3: Paste the token in the “Administrator Password” section & click on “Continue”.

Paste the Token in the “Administrator Password”
Paste the Token in the “Administrator Password”

Step 4: Click on “Install Suggested Plugins”.

Install the Suggested Plugins
Install the Suggested Plugins

Step 5: The plugins installation will be automatically started.

Plugin Installed Automatically
Plugin Installed Automatically

Step 6: Create the user by filling the below-given details:

Username: — admin

Password: — admin

Confirm Password: — admin

Full name: — admin

E-mail address:

Create the Admin User
Create the Admin User
Save and Continue to Create the User
Save and Continue to Create the User

Click on “Save and Continue”.

Step 7: Click on “Save and Finish”.

Instance Configuration
Instance Configuration
Finish the Configuration
Finish the Configuration

Step 8: Click on “Start using Jenkins”.

Jenkins is Ready to Start
Jenkins is Ready to Start

Step 9: The “Jenkins Dashboard” will be set up successfully.

Jenkins Dashboard
Jenkins Dashboard

10. Add “Kubernetes Master (Machine-3)” as a Node Here

Step 1: Click on “Set up an agent”.

Set up the Agent Node
Set up the Agent Node

Step 2: Choose “Node name” as “Kubernetes Master” & “Type” as “Permanent Agent”.

Create a New Node & Fill the Information
Create a New Node & Fill the Information

Step 3: Choose the following options here:

Description: — Kubernetes Master

Remote root directory: — /home/ubuntu/jenkins

Label:- Kubernetes-Master

Fill the Node Information
Fill the Node Information

Launch Method: — Launch agents via SSH

Host: — (Master Private IP Address)

Click on “Add” in “Credentials”.

Add the Credentials
Add the Credentials

Click on the “Jenkins”.

Click on “Jenkins” Option
Click on “Jenkins” Option

Step 4: Choose “kind” as “SSH Username with private key” with the following fields:

ID & Description: — pwdless

Choose the Id and Description Here
Choose the Id and Description Here

Step 5: Choose “Username” as “ubuntu”.

Choose “Enter directly” & click on “Add”.

Paste the “Demo.pem” key content here. (Used the key pair during the instance creation)

Choose the Username & Paste the Demo.pem Content Here
Choose the Username & Paste the Demo.pem Content Here

Step 6: Click on “Add”.

Add the Credentials
Add the Credentials
Credential Created Successfully
Credential Created Successfully

Step 7: Choose “Host Key Verification Strategy” as “Non verifying Verification Strategy”.

Click on “Save”.

Choose the “Non verifying Verification Strategy” option
Choose the “Non verifying Verification Strategy” option

Step 8: Your “Kubernetes Master” has been successfully added as a “Node”.

Kubernetes Master Added
Kubernetes Master Added

11. Create the DockerHub Credentials for Jenkins Pipeline Creation

Step 1: Go to the “Manage Jenkins”.

Click on “Manage Jenkins”
Click on “Manage Jenkins”

Step 2: Click on “Credentials”.

Go to the “Credentials”
Go to the “Credentials”

Step 3: Click on “Global>Add Credentials”.

Go to the “Add credentials”
Go to the “Add credentials”

Step 4: Put the DockerHub username & password here.

Put the DockerHub Username and Password
Put the DockerHub Username and Password

Step 5: The “DockerHub” Credential has been successfully created.

DockerHub Credentials
DockerHub Credentials

12. Fork the Repository in the GitHub Account

Step 1: Click on “Fork> Create a new fork”.

Create a new fork
Create a new fork

Step 2: Choose “Repository Name” as “website”, while “Description” as “For Capstone Project 2 Devops”.

Fork the Repository
Fork the Repository

Click on “Create fork”.

Step 3: The repository will be successfully forked.

Repository Successfully Forked
Repository Successfully Forked

13. Create a Docker file in Given GitHub Repository

Step 1: Click on the “+ Create new file”.

Create the New File
Create New File

Step 2: Paste this content here:

FROM ubuntu/apache2
COPY . /var/www/html

Put the file name as “Dockerfile”.

Create a Dockerfile
Create a Dockerfile

Step 3: Click on the “Commit Changes”.

Commit the Changes for Dockerfile
Commit the Changes for Dockerfile

Step 4: Again, click on the “Commit Changes”.

Again, Commit the Changes for Dockerfile
Again, Commit the Changes for Dockerfile

Step 5: The “Dockerfile” will be successfully created.

Dockerfile Created Successfully
Dockerfile Created Successfully

14. Create a Pipeline to Automate the Tasks

Note: Replace our DockerHub Credentials & Git Hub Repository URL with your DockerHub credentials & forked repository. Otherwise, build will not be successfully created.

Step 1: Click on “Create a job”.

Create a new job
Create a new job

Step 2: Choose “Item Name” as the “Testpipeline” with the “Pipeline” option.

Create the New Pipeline
Create the New Pipeline

Step 3: Go to the “Pipeline” section & choose the “Hello World” script here.

Choose the “Hello World” Script Here
Choose the “Hello World” Script Here

Step 4: Now, we will use the below-given script to check whether the pipeline script is working properly or not.

pipeline {
agent none
environment {
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
Paste the New Script Here
Paste the New Script Here
Save the Script
Save the Script

Click on “Save”.

Step 5: Click on “Build Now”.

Create the build
Create the build

Step 6: The Sample “Hello World” will be successfully created. Click on “#3”.

Click on #3
Click on #3

Go to the “Console Output”.

Go to the Console Output Section
Go to the Console Output Section
Build Successfully Created
Build Successfully Created

Step 7: Again, paste the below-given script in the “Pipeline” section. Click on “Save”.

pipeline {
agent none
environment {
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
stage('Git') {
agent {
label 'Kubernetes-Master'
steps {
git ''
Paste the Script to Add the Github Repository in the “Kubernetes Master”
Paste the Script to Add the Github Repository in the “Kubernetes Master”
Save the Pipeline
Save the Pipeline

Step 8: Click on the “Build Now”. Click on “#5”.

Build Created
Build Created

Go to the “Console Output”.

Build #5

The Build will be successfully created.

Console Output Interface
Console Output Interface
Success Message
Success Message

Step 9: The “GitHub Repository Content” will automatically fetched in the “Kubernetes Master (Machine-3)”.

Run this test using the below-given command:

cd /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Testpipeline

Run the below-givencommand to check the files present here:


You will find all the files present here.

Files Fetched from the Github Repository Automatically
Files Fetched from the Github Repository Automatically

Step 10: Now, we will push the “Docker Hub Image” using the pipeline code.

pipeline {
agent none
environment {
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
stage('Git') {
agent {
label 'Kubernetes-Master'
steps {
git ''
stage('Docker') {
agent {
label 'Kubernetes-Master'
steps {
sh 'sudo docker build /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Testpipeline -t visaltyagi12/project2'
sh 'sudo echo $DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS_PSW | sudo docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS_USR --password-stdin'
sh 'sudo docker push visaltyagi12/project2'
Save the Code to Push the Image to the DockerHub Account
Save the Code to Push the Image to the DockerHub Account

Click on “Save”.

Step 11: Click on “Build Now”. The build will be successfully created & click on “#6”

Click on #6
Click on #6

Click on “Console Output”.

Go to the #6 Console Output
Go to the #6 Console Output

The “Dockerfile” will be successfully pushed to the “Docker Hub” Account.

Console Output Message
Console Output Message
Console Output Success Message
Console Output Success Message

Step 12: Login into your DockerHub Account & you will notice that “visaltyagi12/project2” will be successfully pushed to the DockerHub account.

DockerHub Account Image
DockerHub Account Image

Step 13: Now, we will create the “deployment.yaml” & “service.yaml” file to deploy the website using the “Kubernetes” tool.

Go to the “GitHub” account & click on “Add file”.

Click on “Create new file”.

Create a deployment.yaml file
Create a deployment.yaml file

Step 14: Paste the below-given content here:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 2
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: visaltyagi12/project2:latest
- containerPort: 80

Put the name as “deployment.yaml” & click on the “Commit changes” .

deployment.yaml file code
deployment.yaml file code
Commit to the “deployment.yaml” file
Commit to the “deployment.yaml” file

Step 15: Again, click on the “Commit Changes”.

Final Commit to the “deployment.yaml” file
Final Commit to the “deployment.yaml” file

Step 16: Create a “service.yaml” file for deploying the website over node port 30008.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
type: NodePort
app: nginx
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
nodePort: 30008
Create a service.yaml file
Create a service.yaml file
Commit to the “deployment.yaml” file
Commit to the “service.yaml” file

Step 17:Again, click on “Commit changes” & both the yaml files will be shown in the “Git Hub Repository”.

Final commit to the service.yaml file
Final commit to the service.yaml file
The deployment.yaml & service.yaml files in the GitHub Repository
The deployment.yaml & service.yaml files in the GitHub Repository

Step 18: Go to the “Configure” in the “Jenkins” & paste the below-given code to create the Kubernetes Deployment for deploying the application:

pipeline {
agent none
environment {
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
stage('Git') {
agent {
label 'Kubernetes-Master'
steps {
git ''
stage('Docker') {
agent {
label 'Kubernetes-Master'
steps {
sh 'sudo docker build /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Testpipeline -t visaltyagi12/project2'
sh 'sudo echo $DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS_PSW | sudo docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS_USR --password-stdin'
sh 'sudo docker push visaltyagi12/project2'
stage('K8s') {
agent {
label 'Kubernetes-Master'
steps {
sh 'kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml'
sh 'kubectl apply -f service.yaml'

Click on “Save”.

Save the “Code” of Kubernetes Deployment Creation
Save the “Code” of Kubernetes Deployment Creation

Step 19: Again, click on “Build Now”. Now, the build will be successfully created & the website has been successfully deployed over Slaves through Kubernetes Architecture.

Click on “#7”.

Click #7 Build
Click #7 Build

Click on “Console Output”.

Go to the “#7” Console Output
Go to the “#7” Console Output
#7 Console Output Message
#7 Console Output Message
#7 deployment created success message
#7 deployment created success message

Step 20: Paste both the Slaves’ IP one by one in the browser address bar & the website will be successfully deployed through “Kubernetes”.

Paste the Machine-2 Slave IP Address in the Browser Address Bar
Paste the Machine-2 Slave IP Address in the Browser Address Bar
Website Deployed on the Slave 1 (Machine-2)Successfully
Website Deployed on the Slave 1 (Machine-2)Successfully
Paste the Machine-4 Slave IP Address into the Browser Address Bar
Paste the Machine-4 Slave IP Address into the Browser Address Bar
Website Deployed on the Slave 2 (Machine-4)Successfully
Website Deployed on the Slave 2 (Machine-4)Successfully

15. Automate the Pipeline using Github Webhooks.

Step 1: Go to the “GitHub Repository (website)” & click on the “Settings”.

Go to the “Settings”
Go to the “Settings”

Step 2: Click on the “Webhooks”.

Go to the “Webhooks” section
Go to the “Webhooks” section

Step 3: Click on “Add webhook”.

Add the Webhook
Add the Webhook

Step 4: Choose “Payload URL” as

Click on the “Add webhook”.

Leave other fields as it is.

Create the New Webhook for Automation
Create the New Webhook for Automation

Step 5: The Webhook has been successfully created.

Webhook Created Successfully
Webhook Created Successfully

Step 6: Go to the “Testpipeline” & choose “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling” in “Build Triggers”.

Choose the “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling” & Save the Pipeline
Choose the “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling” & Save the Pipeline

Click on “Save”.

16. Do the Changes & Test the Pipeline

Step 1: Go to the “Configure” & add this line to “pipeline code”.

sh 'kubectl delete deploy nginx-deployment'

Save the pipeline.

Add the delete deployment command
Add the delete deployment command

Step 2: Now, go to the “index.html” file in the “GitHub Repository”.

Change the index.html file Title
Change the index.html file Title

Change “Title” from “DevOps Project 2” to “DevOps Capstone Project 2”.

Write the New Title for index.html file
Write the New Title for index.html file

Click on “Commit Changes”.

Commit the index.html file
Commit the index.html file

Step 3: Again, click on the “Commit Changes”.

Again, click on Commit changes to the index.html file
Again, click on Commit changes to the index.html file

Step 4: An automatic build will be created successfully. Click on “#8”.

Click on #8 Build
Click on #8 Build

Step 5: Click on the “Console Output”. The pipeline will be shown to you.

Go to the #8 Build Output
Go to the #8 Build Output
New Deployment Created Successfully
New Deployment Created Successfully

Step 6: Go to the “Browser” & again refresh the IP Address of “Machine-2” & “Machine-4”. You will notice that in “title”, now “DevOps Capstone Project 2” is showing.

Machine-2 (Slave1) New Title Shown in the Title Snippet
Machine-2 (Slave1) New Title Shown in the Title Snippet
Machine-4 (Slave2) New Title Shown in the Title Snippet
Machine-4 (Slave2) New Title Shown in the Title Snippet

Find the DevOps Capstone Project 1 Solution Here:

Implementing a DevOps Lifecycle on a Website using Docker & Jenkins Only: DevOps Capstone Project 1

