How to Change the NodePort Service to Cluster IP — Kubernetes Assignment 4

Visal Tyagi
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2024

Tasks to Be Performed:

1. Use the previous deployment

2. Change the service type to ClusterIP

How to Change the NodePort Service to Cluster IP — Kubernetes Assignment 4
How to Change the NodePort Service to Cluster IP — Kubernetes Assignment 4

Check the Git Hub Repository for this Assignment to Copy the Commands:

Problem (1) Solution: Use the previous deployment

Before working on this assignment, you have to check the Kubernetes Assignment 1, where we have created a Kubernetes Cluster & After that you have to check the Kubernetes Assignment 2 & Kubernetes-Assignment-3, where we have created the NodePort in Assignment 2 & changed the deployment from 3 replica to 5 replica in Assignment 3 respectively.

After perfoming the Assignment 2 & 3, you have to perform this assignment. We will use a new t2.medium machine with 5 replica node because t2.medium is chargeable, not possible to run the machine everytime.

So that’s why we set up a new Kubernetes Cluster with 5 replica.

Deployment with 5 Replicas
Deployment with 5 Replicas

Problem (2) Solution: Change the service type to ClusterIP

Step 1: Run the below-given command to find the service:

kubectl get svc
ClusterIP & NodePort Service

my-nginx-deployment will be as a “NodePort” type, we will make it as “Cluster IP” to communicate internally.

Step 2: Run the below-given command to edit the “svc” file:

kubectl edit svc
Edit Service file
Edit Service file

Step 3: Your “svc” file will be opened. Press “I” from keyboard to insert anything.

Do these changes in the “svc” file.

- nodePort: null
type: ClusterIP
Change from NodePort to ClusterIP
Change from NodePort to ClusterIP

Press “esc” from keyboard & run the below-given command to save & exit from file:-

Quit and Save
Quit and Save

Step 4: Again, run the below-given command:

kubectl get svc
How to Change the NodePort Service to Cluster IP — Kubernetes Assignment 4

Your “my-nginx-deployment” has been successfully changed to “ClusterIP”.

More Kubernetes Assignments:

How to Deploy Ingress Service Using MiniKube in Kubernetes — Kubernetes Assignment 5

How to Deploy a Sample Website on Kubernetes Using Ingress — Kubernetes Case Study

