Deploy MetaFlow to AWS with Terraform — Infrastructure as Code
Based on my previous MetaFlow articles, I think it will be helpful for you to deploy it on AWS to get up and running locally and use MetaFlow.
First, be sure you use Terraform 1.5.6 or newer, it's what I used to deploy in this article, then have a domain ready in Route53 then you are prepared and ready to set up your own MetaFlow ecosystem on AWS.
Before starting to build the metaflow-ui-frontend image and push it to your own ECR repo with the name metaflow-ui-frontend, it's the only image for now required to build it yourself.
When it's finished build, retag it and push it to your ECR.
Prepare your S3 Bucket and DynamoDB to keep state for your MetaFlow deployment, create an S3 Bucket if you do not have it already, and create a DynamoDB with a Pay by Request model to keep your cost down with the primary-key LockID whiteout any sort key.