[2022] How to install Git on Windows 10 / 11 (step by step guide)

If you want to be able to collaborate on Git projects from your own computer, you need to have Git installed. It’s not hard. Let me guide you through the process.

Valentin Despa
DevOps with Valentine


Latest update: May 2022

Step 1 — Install Git

Open any terminal and check if you already have Git installed by typing:

git --version

If you are getting back an error message, you need to install Git. I would anyway recommend installing/updating Git anyway.

Git is not present on the system yet.

Go ahead and open https://git-scm.com/. The latest version I see is 2.30.0.

Now open the installer you have downloaded and go through the installation process. Unless you know what you are doing, leave all settings to their defaults.

License Information

You need to accept the GNU GPL open source license to continue.

Select Destination Location



Valentin Despa
DevOps with Valentine

Software developer, educator & overlander • GitLab Hero • AWS Community Builder • Postman Supernova • Imprint: http://vdespa.com/imprint