
Introduction to Python

Prashant Lakhera
Devops World


First Python Program

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This is the introduction to Python Series in which the below Program shows how to take input from Keyboard and ask for Name and Age

#First Python Program to ask for age and name
("What is your name:")
name = input()
print("Hello: " + name)
print("Length of your name is: ")
print("What is your age: ")
age = input()
print("You are growing old " + name + " " + age)


python3 firstprogram.pyWhat is your name:
Hello: Prashant
Length of your name is:
What is your age:
You are growing old Prashant 33

Now let see what going on

  • Python reads the program from the top and read line by line(which refer as execution)
  • # is used as comment to make your program more readable and completely ignored by Python
  • print is a function(mini-programs in our program)which display the values passed to it
  • When input() function is called python is waiting for user to enter some text via keyboard,it like a variable which holds some value(input always holds the string value)
  • Then we are performing string concatenation
  • What len does it takes a string value and returns an integer value of the string length

As mentioned above input return a string so we must cast it, if we are working with numbers

>>> age = input(“What is your age: “)What is your age: 5>>> type(age)<class ‘str’># Which is not what we are expecting
>>> age * 5

And the way to do it

>>> age = int(input(“What is your age: “))What is your age: 5>>> age * 525

Now let look at some data types,first and second are self explanatory but in the last case, as we see it return as string

>>> a = 4>>> type(a)<class ‘int’>>>> b = “hello”>>> type(b)<class ‘str’>>>> c = “4”>>> type(c)<class ‘str’>

As we can’t perform mathematical operation on string, we must need to convert them to integer

>>> “4” + 2Traceback (most recent call last):File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>TypeError: must be str, not int>>> int(“4”) + 26

Same way, if we need to concatenate string with integer we need to convert integer to string

>>> “how old are you” + 2Traceback (most recent call last):File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>TypeError: must be str, not int>>> “how old are you” + “ 2”‘how old are you 2’

Some interesting thing to note while we are doing variable assignment/swapping variable in case of Python

>>> x = 1>>> y = 2>>> y = x>>> x = y>>> x1>>> y1

We are not expecting this output, we want x=2 and y=1 so we need to be really careful so the better way to do that is using extra variable called temp.

>>> x = 1>>> y = 2>>> temp = y>>> y = x>>> x = temp>>> x2>>> y1



Prashant Lakhera
Devops World

AWS Community Builder, Ex-Redhat, Author, Blogger, YouTuber, RHCA, RHCDS, RHCE, Docker Certified,4XAWS, CCNA, MCP, Certified Jenkins, Terraform Certified, 1XGCP