DevOps Institute Leader (DOL) Certification Exam Preparation

A study guide base on my experience

Najib Radzuan
9 min readMay 26, 2020


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

This article was written because I received several requests from my personal LinkedIn message that asked me to give which study material did I use? Did I attend training? can I share the tips and what the courses around this certification? These are the several requests that I received, hence I think instead I give a one-to-one message to them, so I created this article to share my experience previously.

Before we jump into the study and tips details, let’s know some information about DevOps Institute Leader (DOL) certificate courses, module, and how they evaluate your marks or grade. The following information gathered from the official website of DevOps Institute and other resources related to DOL certification;

Course Overview

DevOps describes a culture and a set of tasks that bring together development and operations teams for the development of software. It enables companies to develop and improve products more quickly than they can through traditional approaches to software development. Moreover, it has rapidly gained popularity. The DevOps approach regenerates the teams with greater performance, concentration, and productivity through teamwork, connectivity, automation, and a set of established best practices. However, for a company it is necessary to use the methodology fully from an experienced and qualified DevOps practitioner. The DOL course is perfect for educating DevOps executives and senior DevOps engineers. This course is special. This will allow DevOps professionals to free up valuable possibilities for employment and networking.

Course Objective

The learning objectives for DOL include a practical understanding of:

  • DevOps and time to value
  • Mindset and mental models
  • Key differences between DevOps IT and traditional IT
  • Target operating models and organizational design
  • Performance management, rewards and motivation
  • Preparing investment cases
  • Focusing on value outcomes
  • Ideas for organizing workflows
  • Empowerment and participation
  • Defining meaningful metrics
  • Value stream mapping

Course Contents

There are main 8 modules in DOL course and below are the modules and the outcome of each module;

  1. DevOps and Transformational Leadership (DOL — 1) — Define DevOps, List the benefit of DevOps, & describe “Transformational Leadership” as a concept.
  2. Unlearning Behaviours (DOL — 2) — Describe how psychology and neurosciences influence DevOps.
  3. Becoming a DevOps Organization (DOL — 3) — Describe shared goals, and explain how to help people participate in DevOps culture.
  4. Measure to Learn (DOL — 4) — Creating Value Stream Map and Value Stream Management (VSM), Describe how to measure important metrics in the DevOps methodology.
  5. Measure to Improve (DOL — 5) — The improvement Kata and Experiments
  6. Target Operating Models (TOM) and Organization Design (DOL — 6) — Differentiate between TOM and Organization Design, Describe how to integrate Agile and Ops, Identify elements of Agile at scale, & Describe Spotify’s organizational model.
  7. Articulating and Socializing Vision (DOL — 7) — Describe organizational change, and explain how to broadcast outside of your organization.
  8. Maintaining Energy and Momentum (DOL — 8) — Describe blended innovation, Culture & Climate, & a High-Trust culture.

Topic covered & Question Weighting

The DevOps Leader (DOL) exam requires knowledge of the topic areas specific below;

Total questions: 40

Exam Type: Multiple choice questions

The time is given: 90 Minutes ( 1 Hour and 30 minutes )

Passing score: 65%

Why should you take this course?

  1. They have good e-Learning and Online training provider
  2. DevOps is one of the world’s most common methodologies of IT management and can significantly boost your employability.
  3. The course involves regular information tests and an assessment simulator to help students prepare for the official review of the DevOps leader.
  4. There are no prerequisites for sitting the DevOps Leader exam
  5. The course includes interactive slides, tutor-led videos, and other training assets created with help from leading subject matter experts
  6. The course is fully accredited by the DevOps Institute.
  7. You will have the opportunity to be part of the global community of DevOps which they have known as #HumanOfDevOps and be a leader among the DevOps Ambassador.
  8. Once you part of the DevOps Institute community, you can contribute and learn from other DevOps Leaders.

How I study for the DOL exam?

I’ve not been taking the DOL course or training and I’m only studying base on course and module I’ve listed above. Here only the tips and how I study recently for my DOL certification exam, you can follow the guideline here or refer to other resources as well for more knowledge.

1)DevOps and Transformational Leadership

You need to know the definition of DevOps and it’s the benefit to the organizations. You also need to know how Leadership style can lead to DevOps transformation in the organization and DevOps journey in the organization. Here some URLs that you can read for this module;

Unlearning Behaviours

There are several materials you can found on the internet related to unlearning behavior, the video from Helen Beal that I like the most, by watching her video you will know how psychology and neuroscience influence your DevOps journey;

You also need to know why we need Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) in DevOps or DevSecOps. Why GRC should be seen as a key DevOps enabler;

SCARF Model for Social Behavior;

Becoming a DevOps Organization

You need to know how DevOps differ from Traditional IT, DevOps Kaizen and explain how to help people participate in DevOps cultures;

8 Keys Different:

DevOps Kaizen:

Key principles in DevOps;

Measure to Learn

You need to know how value stream maps and mapping used in DevOps. You also need to know how to use value stream mapping;

Measure to Improve

We need to know how to improve our work base on value stream map and visualizing and workflow and how can value stream map used to identify improvement opportunities

Target Operating Models (TOM) and Organization Design

What is the Target Operating Model for the DevOps and the desired outcomes of DevOps by TOM?. The differentiate between TOM and Organization Design (OD). There are also Law’s or terminology you should know such as Conway’s Law and how it teaches us about DevOps and Little’s Law;

Organization Characteristics:

The DevOps Target Operating Model

Spotify Organization Model also famous for this module and you can know about it via this medium post;

Articulating and Socializing Vision

Describe organizational change and how large Enterprises doing their organizational changes. You are able to explain how to broadcast outside of your organization. Empowering people;

Maintaining Energy and Momentum

How High-Trust culture work in DevOps organization and what the business cases for DevOps. Kolb’s Learning style also famous question in this module;

Additional pieces of information:

You may refer to DevOps Institute brief on their DOL V2.0 Course which includes some new topics that also need to read and know about it. You also need to know several Termanology such below;

  1. Bateson Stakeholder Map
  2. Kolb’s Learning Style(above)
  3. Karpman Drama Triangle ( Rescuer, Persecutor, & Victim)
  4. Wilber’s Quadrants
  5. Training from the Back of the Room — the 4 Cs (Connection, Concept, Concrete, & Conclusion)

DOL Exam Example

You can find the DOL Example here for your own perusal and preparation;


Good luck on your DevOps Leader (DOL) exam — and trust me — the more you read, the more you prepare for your DOL exam. Because if we’re not doing read part, then how can we answer or prepare for the exam, right?. Here my DOL Certificate from #DevOpsInstitute, I hope I can at least help you to prepare for your DOL Certification Exam. Let’s #ContinuousLearning and #StayHuman.

Disclaimer: This posts not directly from the #DevOpsInstitute and it solely from my experience. This also not the ultimate guideline or material for the DOL certificate, you may also refer to other resources and material to get more knowledge and prepare for your DOL exam.



Najib Radzuan

DevOps | DevSecOps | Global DevOps Ambassador | CDF Ambassador | Digital Transformation []