Analyze your Kubernetes cluster with Polaris

Polaris Results

Fairwinds Polaris examines the resources in the Kubernetes cluster in the fields of Security, Reliability, Networking, Efficiency and determines how well they are configured.

You can also add your own policies so that they also affect the scores.

By default, Polaris policies are pretty strict. You may see a lower score than you expected.

In addition, Polaris can offer suggestions on how to fix any incorrect or missing resource configurations.

How to deploy Polaris to Kubernetes cluster?

The deployment process is pretty simple. You only need Helm to deploy.

helm repo add fairwinds-stable
helm upgrade --install polaris fairwinds-stable/polaris --namespace polaris --create-namespace
kubectl port-forward --namespace polaris svc/polaris-dashboard 8080:80

If you do not want to access via port-forward, you can convert the relevant service to NodePort after the deployment is finished.

I hope you enjoyed reading and trying it out.
See you in the next article!

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