The Power of an Encouraging Word

Your Words Matter

Paula Short
3 min readJun 23, 2021


Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary(v. t.) says that to encourage means; To inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; to raise, or to increase, the confidence of; to animate; enhearten; to incite; to help forward; — the opposite of discourage.

How do we encourage others?

Do we encourage others? I like to encourage others; there’s something so satisfying, peaceful, and joyful about it. We are representatives for Christ, meaning he selected us to represent him because he trusts and loves us — his creation. We are to be reflections of his kindness, doing, serving, behavior, love, showing, modeling, and more.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5: 11 NIV)

At times, we may feel weary, and the race seems challenging to finish. Even so, in our 24-hour daily race, we should continue to encourage others. Do you remember times when friends, family, Pastors, mentors, social service workers, counselors, doctors, or strangers have encouraged you? It helps push us through to the finish line. Whether it be our 24 hour day or encouraging us in our always progressing walk with Christ, looking forward to when we will spend eternity with him.

I enjoy encouraging others

I like to see the surprise and smiles on people’s faces, sometimes even a pause from them when I compliment them. Some people seem taken aback, kind of like “did someone really just notice me?”. Yes! Yes, I did notice you!

Let me tell you about grocery shopping. I like to offer a kind word to employees. Because of this, it frequently turns into a short conversation. I ask how their day is going and always find something encouraging to say, whether they wear a smile, a delightful mood, or even complimenting something as simple as a pin they may be wearing.

Then there’s Maddie; she’s the one employee who makes my day. She has strawberry blond hair and is always smiling and delightful. It began by me complimenting her, saying, “ you are such a ray of sunshine,” the next time I saw her, she was outside the store on mask duty. That day I asked her if she remembered me, she said she did, so we exchanged formal introductions, and that’s how we are on a first-name basis now.

One day when I went for groceries, my body was hurting (fibromyalgia, degenerative joint disorder). My mood was low, feeling a bit grumpy. And there was Maddie, cashiering that day. I purposefully went through her check-out line. I told her, her sunshiny personality shines through to others. We exchanged a few words, and I told her, “ have a blessed day,” to which she said, “thank you, Paula, you too.”

Our words matter

A word of encouragement offered and received at the right moment can have so much meaning to us and/or the person you are encouraging. I try to be sensitive to other people’s need for encouragement and offer supportive words. It [encouragement] makes me feel grateful when offered to me and lifts me up. In turn, I enjoy lifting others up. Maddie probably will never know I shared her with you. But, for me, I thought she needed to be acknowledged.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4: 29 NIV)


Dear Jesus,

While the world is a mess, broken down, and hearts are broken. I pray that you pour out blessings and let us receive and offer encouragement to others. I pray that you may rain down peace, rest, and healing and bring the lost home. Thank you, Jesus, for your great grace and mercy. In your glorious name


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Paula Short

Just an ordinary Christian women blogger traversing through the wilderness of an everyday mess. Seeking God in the everyday.