The Prayer God Will Answer

The Best Kind of Prayer

Hadassah Treu I Author
4 min readJun 10, 2022


Girl praying

There are different kinds of prayers, but one prayer God will answer always. This is the prayer for glorifying His name.

I heard the alarm ringing, but I didn’t want to open my eyes. Dark and hopeless thoughts started running through my mind like wild horses. There was nothing good waiting for me on that day, I thought. I preferred sleeping and dreaming of my husband, instead of being awake in the brutal reality of a world in which he was no longer. I didn’t want to live in such a world, dark and empty. I struggled to accept my lot as a fresh widow.

“Lord, show me how to pray,” I cried out. It was difficult to find words to express my struggle and pain.

I opened my Bible to John chapter 12 and read the passage in which Jesus predicted his death. According to the Bible, His soul was troubled, but I wondered about the anguish and dread that He most probably felt about His upcoming death. His first impulse was to pray to be saved from this hour of His ordeal. But right after shooting this half prayer, half question, He said: “no” and He changed his prayer to

“Father, glorify your name!” (John 12:27–30)

The Prayer God Will Answer

This kind of prayer elicited an immediate answer from heaven. God confirmed He did that and would do it again.

What a great example to pray for when we struggle to accept our circumstances and unwanted changes! Often, our lives will not develop as we want and expect. God’s will sometimes will lead us in the valley of the shadow of death.

It is exactly then when we need to humble ourselves and focus on glorifying God with everything we are and everything we have.

God Will Answer This Prayer Because It Honors His Name

The world watches us closely when we experience hardships and suffering. It is then the time to give our testimony of faith, preferring and treasuring God’s will and His glory above everything else.

When we persevere in suffering and stay faithful, honoring God’s name, we are adding the power of our testimony to the blood of the Lamb, so we can walk in the victory Jesus has secured for us.

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (Revelation 12:11)

Submitting to God’s Will

God will always answer the prayer in which we seek to glorify His name because it expresses our decision to submit to His will. Surrendering everything and submitting to His will is the mark of the true Christ’s disciples.

It is not enough to just believe in Jesus, we need to keep His commands and live according to His word. As true disciples, we need to place all our dreams, plans, and wishes under His authority. There is nothing wrong with desiring good things like family, happiness, a good job, good health, and faithful friends, but God’s will and plan for us should be our priority even when it is completely different from what we expect and want.

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said,

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” (John 8:31)

Let’s Pray Together

Father, I am seeking Your face and seeking to glorify Your name in my circumstances. I want Your will and plans above everything else because Your will is perfect and Your plans are always good. Help me persevere and stay faithful in the hardships I am struggling with.

Father, glorify Your name and give me a strong testimony. Right now, I choose to surrender everything I have and everything I am, all my desires, dreams and plans, my circumstances, and the people in my life under Your authority. Help me keep Your commands and hold on to Your teaching. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Hadassah Treu I Author

Hadassah Treu is an award-winning Christian blogger, poet, speaker and author of “Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings.”