This Yoke is Easy?

Following Jesus in a Post-Christian Society

Lauren Sparks
3 min readSep 9, 2021


For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30

Do these words from Jesus — recorded in the Gospel of Matthew — jive with what you know today? Is it easy for you to follow Jesus in this post-Christian culture?

I confess it feels hard for me. I do realize that there are countries, some very prominent in the news right now, where Christians fear for their lives and welfare. I am grateful that, at least for now, it is not illegal to be a Christian in America.

The struggle I refer to is emotional. In a world that increasingly denounces the authenticity and authority of God’s Word, I feel isolated when holding to a Biblical worldview.

Taking Up the Cross

When Jesus invited the disciples to follow Him all those years ago, he told them they would have to deny themselves and take up their cross (Luke 9:23). The Believer’s Bible Commentary explained this commitment would involve:

  1. The opposition of loved ones.
  2. The reproach of the world.
  3. Forsaking family, house, lands and the comforts of this life.
  4. Complete dependence on God.
  5. Obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  6. Proclamation of an unpopular message.
  7. A pathway of loneliness.
  8. Organized attacks from established religious leaders.
  9. Suffering for righteousness’ sake.
  10. Slander and shame.
  11. Pouring out one’s life for others.
  12. Death to self and to the world.

I won’t call myself persecuted. There are Christians around the world truly suffering for simply bearing that name. And while I am physically safe, I have taken on more of this list of heartaches in the last two years than I ever thought probable. I deal with the opposition of loved ones, the reproach of the world, the unpopularity of my message and the loneliness that comes with believing that Jesus and His ways are the only way to God.

I feel this tension each time I choose to maintain my faith in a God who is loving and kind in the boundaries He put forth in His Holy Scriptures. When I love like He loves instead of cowing to the culture’s warped definition. This is the stress of being a foreigner in this land. The unease of being a resident of both heaven and earth.

So What About This Yoke is Easy?

Nothing surprises our all-knowing God. He knew our devotion to Him would cause persecution and hardship. So why did Jesus say this life would be easy? What does Matthew 11:30 even mean?

I think the key lies in the word “yoke”. A yoke is synonymous with hard work — especially plowing, pulling or hauling. The original greek word here is “zygos”, which means “a coupling”.

Look at the picture above. The yoke is for two. When we put on Jesus’ yoke, He is strapped in with us. Wearing the yoke presupposes that hard work lies ahead. But Jesus, in His almighty strength, is working right along with us. He helps us carry the load. Or more likely, He carries the load and us as well.

I am so very thankful that Jesus is with us. He works beside us, and He carries us. No matter what may come. And oh, the rewards, both in abundant living now and eternity with Him. He gives our lives purpose and meaning. The joy of knowing Him is greater than any trouble that comes to us.

That’s what makes the load light.

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Lauren Sparks

Lauren Sparks is a wife and mom to two daughters — one with special needs — and one bonus son. She teaches yoga and writes @ near Dallas, TX.