Using Scripture As Our First Resource

Ideas to jump start your daily Bible time

Paula Short
3 min readJun 2, 2021


Photo of my Bible

Have you ever began your day reading Scripture only to become discouraged? Maybe you’ve had difficulty getting motivated, found it difficult to understand, became frustrated because you think you should know and understand what you are reading.

Then, you find yourself putting down God’s word because you’ve gotten frustrated with yourself. Maybe you’ve been putting off reading your Bible because of those preconceived notions you’ve let take up space in your head.

It’s okay; it happens.

I’ve been there, friend. I’ve been confused, lost, and have gotten frustrated with myself while trying to read God’s word. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t understand. I felt like other Christians knew more than I did. Well, some of them did.

I’ve learned that we have to start somewhere whether you are a new Christian or have been a follower of Christ for years. It’s hard not to compare ourselves with others during our walk. That’s just it, we’re not them, and it’s our very own individual walk that develops into a relationship with God.

What do I do now?

We can do several things that will develop our daily Bible reading time. Keep in mind what works for someone else may look different for you.

Here are a few suggestions

· Start small, and it’s okay to start reading one verse a day. And reflecting on that one verse.

· Bible reading plans. Some can be purchased, while others are free to download. These are basic outlines to help you navigate Scripture or a topic you want to study.

· Devotionals are short, simple teachings on a Bible verse or topic. Because we are devoted to God, we spend purposeful time and energy because we desire to spend time with him.

· Bible Journaling is like a diary, a reflective journal if you will. You can purchase a journal or use a notebook. Within, you can record Bible verses that touch you, and you want to learn more about and record things about your everyday life, and over time you can apply what you’ve learned to life experiences.

Friends, there are hundreds of resources available to help us engage in reading and understanding God’s word. These resources are supplements to God’s word. These should not take precedence over using God’s breathed Scripture as our first go-to. The Bible.

“ All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” ( 2 Timothy 3:16–17 NIV)

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Paula Short

Just an ordinary Christian women blogger traversing through the wilderness of an everyday mess. Seeking God in the everyday.