If we would only listen

March 29, 2022 (Bible Devotional)

Wendly Saintil
3 min readJun 10, 2022


O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea: — Isaiah 48:18

We forfeit many blessing by refusing to listen to the voice of God. If we would only listen to God, we could have avoided many unnecessary heartaches and troubles. As God was bringing Israel from the land of bondage, He gave them some promises. Yet, Israel would not believe God. They were so rebellious they even get a state where they fabricated a false. And instead of listening to the direction of the God who is walking with them with a visible sign, they turn instead to worship a golden calf. Yet, all this will have been preventing if they would only listen to what God has to say.

Now, the temptation might be even worse. We live in the attention economy and few are even paying attention to what God to say. The pleasure of this word are taking many from God. Many popular apps are soaking so much time from us. And sadly are the years increases our attention span decreases. Yet, God has not given up on us yet. The same call is given to us to listen. We ought to pay attention to what God wants to communicate to us. It is our privilege to put away the distracting gadgets aside and listen. If we would only listen, we can unlock peace.

God wants to do great things for us. He wants to give us freedom. He longs to deliver us from bondage and especially the bondage of sin. Yet, if we continue living like the Israelites, then God would be unable to do anything in our behalf. It is impossible for God to lead us where we have no desire to go. God might have all the great intention to lead us to freedom. Yet, if it is not our desire, then He limited. Though God may want to give us peace and righteousness, if we cannot even get us to pay attention, then there is no hope for us.

God requires from us the smallest act. He will do the bulk of the word. All we have to do is listen to his instruction. He is the one that will give us peace and righteousness. He is responsible for the realization of the promise, and we are responsible to responding to his instruction. Today many think that they have to establish their peace and righteousness. God is not calling us to that grandiose step. He is calling us to trust in him. He is calling to listen to him. And as we put our faith in him. He will give us peace and righteousness. If we would only listen to him, He will do the marvelous things in our lives.

Do you believe that God can give you righteousness?

The Prayer — Heavenly Father, Give us peace and make us holy. In Jesus’s name. Amen!



Wendly Saintil

Adventist. Software Engineer @Affirm. Podcaster. Pilgrim made in #Haiti. @UF 15'. Build to #Inspire #Improve #Serve