Keeping the word near

March 27, 2022 (Bible Devotional)

Wendly Saintil
3 min readJun 9, 2022


And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: — Deuteronomy 6:6

Let’s keep the word of God near. It is a privilege to keep the precious promises that we find in the Bible etched in our memories. Though it may be difficult at first, we will become better if we commit ourselves to keep the word of God in our hearts. These precious words are written for us. They are for our growth in the Christian journey. Daily as we walk together with Christ, we shall find occasion to rejoice in the great things that he has done for us. And part of our camaraderie with the maker of the universe is conversing with Him through his word.

Some teach that the best way to hear God’s word is by listening for a still small voice. Yet, we do not need to guess how to hear God. We have with us his word, the Bible. And if we desire to hear him speak to us, we can simply open the word and there we shall find a voice that speaks to our hearts. As we have questions, then we can present them to God. And as we enter into fellowship with Christ, by praising him, and talking with him, our eyes will open even more as we open up his word. Then by comparing scripture with scripture, we will discern the voice of God speaking directly to us.

In the practical sense, we may not have the Bible all the time. And even if we have access to a Bible, we may not even know where to turn depending on the circumstance that we are facing. If we desire to hear God’s voice, then we have the privilege to store his word in our hearts. As his word remains in us, as we go about our days we shall find a reason to be joyful. Because the word of God gives life, When that words abide in us, we shall praise the Lord continually. Even though we be compassed on every side, we shall recall the promises of God that promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us.

We need to keep the commandments of God in our hearts. The words that are written are for us. We have the Bible, yet if it will not benefit us at all, it is simply a static book on a shelf. The word of God must become embedded in our daily lives. Some would discard the Bible as archaic. That would be a sad mistake. The commandments of God are precious promises that give us assurance that God will perform for us what he promises. Even though, we may not see any way out. Even though we may know how it will be done, the word assures us that it will be done. Keep the word near and by faith let God fulfill his promise in us.

Do you keep the word of God in your heart?

The Prayer — Heavenly Father, give us the desire to memorize your word In Jesus’s name. Amen!



Wendly Saintil

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