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March 30, 2022 (Bible Devotional)

Wendly Saintil
3 min readJun 10, 2022


Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. — Isaiah 55:3

Sometimes we put too much emphasis on works while neglecting obedience. God is not calling us to show off what can do for him. Instead, He is calling to us abide and fellowship with him. As followers of Christ, our greatest privilege is to stay closer to Christ. This is our first mission. We are to learn from Christ, and not from men. Yet, sadly many do not hesitate to turn to fables. They prefer to listen to the storylines of the secular preachers who refuse to preach the word. Today, Christ is given an invitation to all who are willing. He is calling us to incline our hear. We may come to him directly.

All we have to do and listen and surrender. God is not calling us to make sacrifices by ourselves. He is the one that will make and maintain an everlasting covenant with us. His sole desire is that we would listen to his voice and command. The very words that he speaks to us will fuel us with life. And the life that we receive from Christ is pure, noble, and edifying. It is up to us to decide if we would follow after Christ. He will never force, coerce, or threaten us to abide by his rules, instead like a friend, Christ wants to speak in our ear.

Instead of coming to Christ for life, many are purchasing waters from the empty wells of this world. They are looking for security and the passing vanity of this present age. We would have thought the invitation of Christ is neglected for something of value, but this is not the case. By alienating ourselves from Christ, we are departing from life itself. And whatever temporary prize that we often in this will world, we shall have yet a greater thirst for something meaning full. Though we might reject his previous, Christ is again ready to receive all who will come to him by faith. Those who are seeking peace for the soul can come to Christ even today.

God is offering us his steadfast covenant. He is giving the guarantee that Here we can come to Him. He will do great things for us. Some may be willing to think, let me first enjoy what the world offers, and then when I’m done I can come to accept the invitation of Christ. Alas! Let us cease from mocking the benevolence of God. Instead of thinking foolishly, let us seek him while he may be found. Let us surrender our lives to him. And let him establish his covenant with us. The God who make beautiful things out of dust has the power will transform our life.

Do you have a minute to listen to God?

The Prayer — Heavenly Father, Speak. And help up to listen to your word In Jesus’s name. Amen!



Wendly Saintil

Adventist. Software Engineer @Affirm. Podcaster. Pilgrim made in #Haiti. @UF 15'. Build to #Inspire #Improve #Serve