Understanding and Using the Grid System

Taylor Wu
DevPoint Labs
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2016

If you are just starting out learning CSS you will start to feel frustrated with trying to move your <div> around to the place you want it to stay. Luckily for us now we are able to use some CSS framework that gives us the grid system.

What are some CSS frameworks we can use?

Before we get into the grid system here is a list of CSS frameworks that gives us the grid system:

· Bootstrap

· Materialize

· Skeleton

Materialize is my personal favorite. It gives me the grid system and more styling options for my HTML. I will be using its documentation to show you some examples of how to use the grid system.

What is the grid system?

The grid system gives us 12 columns that will always be equal to each other no matter the size of the browser. Before we specify how many columns we want we want to wrap our code in a <div> with a class of ‘row’.

The advantages here is that you can specify how many columns a <div> may have. So lets say you want to have 3 columns for your website to make it nice and pretty like this.

Well for each one of those columns you would specify the columns to equal 4 since 12 columns / 3 = 4 columns, so on the browser they would only take up that amount. If you notice the 12-column grid above the picture above you would notice that each of the content take up 4 columns. Instead of wrestling with your own CSS to try and even out your columns you can use a CSS framework to give you the grid system and make styling easier. Below is the source code to make create it.

Notice that the wrapping <div> has a class of ‘row’. Within that <div> there are other <div> that has the class of ‘col s4 m4 l4’. Do not worry about what the letter in front of the 4 mean yet, but focus on 4. Each one of these <div> with a col 4 means it will take 4 of the 12 columns available to it.


Another advantage of using the grid is responsiveness to the browser size. When creating websites we must think of the user first. What if the user is on mobile or a tablet? Their screen will affect how your website will look. The grid system solves the problem of different screen size. Now lets get back to the <div> with the class ‘col s12 m4 l4’. The ‘s’, ‘m’, and ‘l’ is referring to the size of the screen. So ‘s’ is small, ‘m’ is medium, and ‘l’ is large. If its on a small screen it will take all 12 columns, 4 columns on medium, and 4 columns on large. A small screen would be considered mobile phones, medium would be tablets, and large would be a desktop size screen. Being able to specify how big you want your content depending on the size of the user screen will greatly improve your sites user accessibility.

Thank you for reading this blog I hope this will greatly improve your CSS skills and help you build cool websites that benefits from the grid system.

