Utah’s Highest Rated Coding School Introduces New Financing Partnership

DevPoint Labs
DevPoint Labs
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2017

DevPoint Labs strives to be accessible to everyone who is motivated enough to take on a big endeavor like learning to code in three intense months. We believe our Women and Diversity in Tech Scholarship also shows our commitment to being accessible; however, we know that’s not enough and only helps a small percentage of students. This leads us to turning down excellent candidates who have the technical skills to succeed but cannot finance their growth and opportunity.

While we’re one of the most affordable coding boot camps in the nation, there is still a real issue for many people to fund their future web developer dreams. In an effort to break the financial barrier we’re please to announce a new partnership with Skills Fund, an innovative student funding platform that understands the boot camp industry. Skills Fund only works with top tier programs, so we’re humbled to be working with them. It even permeates in their mantra “we don’t finance students to attend crappy programs.” They have successfully aligned each parties incentives to ensure student success, and that’s a win-win for all.

You can now apply for a student loan with Skills Fund for our full-time and part-time courses in Full-Stack Web Development, UX Design, and Data Analytics. Depending on the class students can borrow up to $2,000 — $9,995. Full-time students can make interest only payments while in the program with an additional two months after graduation. Part-time students make full repayments (interest + principle) one month after class begins. Monthly payments range between $90.43 — $225.96. Give our loan calculator a try and see what your monthly repayment could be.

We hope that this gives more people an opportunity to fund their education, become a developer, and make a difference in their life. Please reach out to us if you have any questions by email: contact [@] DevPointLabs.com or by phone: 801–448–7240.



DevPoint Labs
DevPoint Labs

Helping passionate people launch a career in full stack web development, UX design, and data analytics in 11 weeks. Utah’s highest rated coding school.