Why DevPoint Labs Coding School Offers Free Housing

DevPoint Labs
DevPoint Labs
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2017

Love coding? Check √. Apply to coding boot camps? Check √. Received acceptance letter? Check √. Now, where do I find room and board? Here at DevPoint Labs, we know what it’s like for students to press pause on your life to achieve what some people deem impossible. We are confident anyone can reinvent them self and career into software development in as little as three to six months.

We’re in an exciting and fortunate position to watch our students reinvent themselves every quarter. It’s beautiful and motivating to say the least; however, it comes with a lot of stress and hard work (even before class begins). This is why we’re one of the few coding schools to offer free student housing. Easing the burden that comes with a big commitment like this.

Our co-founder Ty Diamse was once in your shoes. Once upon a time at the beginning of 2013, he embarked on a similar journey to The Starter League in Chicago. They were the pioneers that created this coding boot camp movement. At the time, Ty didn’t know anything about Chicago (besides Scruff McGruff’s address) or what the neighborhoods were like and where to live. He had to rely on photos online to decide if this is where he would call home. Fortunately, he was able to connect with a classmate (now a good friend) and rent a room from his uncle. It was an empty home so it was still less than ideal, but he didn’t care. He knew he could do anything for three months.

His story is exactly what we don’t want our students to go through. We want students to focus on what is important like studying the prep work and ensure you start day one with a solid foundation. Not scrambling to find roommates to help pay for rent or what neighborhoods to live in (or not). We have made a commitment to take care of housing if you take care of owning your education.

For detailed information about the DevHouse go to our free student housing page.

Let’s hear from Brian Phelps who lived at the DevHouse while attending the Fall Cohort 2016 Part-Time JavaScript class. Brian is an East Coast kid that calls Connecticut home. In his downtime, you can find him running around online playing Counter Strike.

So what has it been like living in the DevHouse?

“Living in the DevHouse has been great! It’s only a few blocks from the campus and a lot is provided here. I only need to buy groceries, everything else is provided.”

What is it like traveling to and from the campus?

“Traveling to campus is only a few minute walk, which isn’t bad at all.”

Did you have a private or shared room?

“My roommate and I share a room, and it’s been pretty sound.”

Was housing a deciding factor for you?

“The DevHouse was definitely a deciding factor for me coming out-of-state, and not having a place to stay otherwise.”



DevPoint Labs
DevPoint Labs

Helping passionate people launch a career in full stack web development, UX design, and data analytics in 11 weeks. Utah’s highest rated coding school.