Applications for DevRel Uni Cohort 2 are Live!

DevRel Uni
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2023

After the great success of the Pilot Program, DevRel University is returning with cohort 2! The first cohort received over 250 applications, and 32 participants were selected across 18 countries. Applications for Cohort 2 are now open.


  • Timeline: 17th April — 1st May
  • Dates: 17 April, 20 April, 24 April, 27 April, 1 May
  • Format: each session is a 1 hour lecture with an industry DevRel followed by 20 minute workshop for working on assignments
  • Structure: 5 live sessions with assignments
  • Time of classes: 11:10PST/18:10UTC
  • Cost: $0 (scholarship program)
  • Class size: 30
  • Language: English
  • Application deadline: 12th April 2023
  • Application form:


1. Starting a DevRel Program (17th April) Bianca Buzea — Developer Relations Engineer at Balancer

2. Documentation Strategy — (20th April) Michiel MuldersDeveloper Advocate and Documentation Strategist at Hedera Hashgraph

3. Events: Meetups, Hackathons, and Conferences (24th April) Steph Orpilla — Developer Relations Engineer at Polygon

4. Content, Personal Branding, and Social Media (27nd April) Nader Dabit — Director of Developer Relations at AAVE and Lens

5. Strategy, KPIs, and Metrics (1st May) Vitto Rivabella — Lead Dev Experience at Alchemy

Who is the Program for?

Are you passionate about technology and enjoy building communities? Then a career in Developer Relations (DevRel) may be the perfect fit for you. Despite being a highly sought-after role, DevRel is not a very well-known career path. This program aims to change that by providing a comprehensive introduction to the field of developer relations.

Devrel University empowers individuals to acquire skills and knowledge to start working in the field of developer relations.

With the ever-increasing adoption of blockchain technology comes the need for protocols to engage with their developer communities. This means that the demand for DevRel talent is at an all-time high.

This program is tailored for individuals looking to combine their technical skills with a high level of human interaction and play a key role in shaping the future of the Web3 space.

Our goal is to guide you to become experts in the field, building the foundation for a successful career path. The program is free (scholarship program). You only need to complete the form and apply. We will admit 30 applicants for the program starting on the 17th of April, 2023. The application deadline is 12th April 2023.


Developer Relations is a rapidly growing field essential for companies to build trust and engagement with their developer communities.

Successful students will be able to follow a variety of career paths:

  • Developer Advocate: Help build trust and engagement with developer communities
  • Product Manager: Shape company product strategy targeting developers
  • Entrepreneur: Advocate for your product and expand your user base
  • Technical Ambassador: Become the front line at meetups and developer conferences
  • Sales: Learn how to sell and talk to developers
  • Technical Writer: Write best-in-class documentation for software projects
  • DevRel Manager: Successfully steer the direction of a whole DevRel team

Who Operates this Program?

The program was designed by Bianca Buzea, the Developer Relations Engineer of Balancer, and founder of DevRel Univeristy. During the five sessions, four other leading dev rel experts will share their expertise and knowledge:

  1. Nader Dabit — Director of Developer Relations at Aave & Lens Protocol
  2. Michiel Mulders — Developer Relations & Developer Experience at Swirlds Labs
  3. Steph Orpilla — Developer Relations Engineer at Polygon
  4. Vitto Rivabella — Lead Dev Ex at Alchemy

What is the Program’s Structure?

The course is broken up into 5 modules, which forms the backbone of the entire program

1 Starting a DevRel Program

2 Documentation Strategy

3 Content, Personal Branding, and Social Media

4 Events: Meetups, Hackathons, and Conferences

5 Strategy, KPIs and Metrics

These modules take students through from establishing a successful DevRel program (starting a DevRel program phase),to understanding the importance of documentation (documentation strategy phase), to amplifying content on social media and building a personal brand (content, personal branding, and social media stage), to planning, organizing, and executing successful events (events: meetups, hackathons, and conferences phase), and finally to creating and measuring effective strategies, KPIs, and metrics (strategy, KPIs, and metrics phase).

Each step is designed to provide the attendees with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the field of DevRel.

Who should apply for this program?

You should apply if:

  • You have 8 free hours per week to dig into the area of DevRel
  • You like to take leadership roles (extra-curricular roles count as well)
  • You have strong communication skills and a passion for helping developers of all skill levels learn how to build
  • You have an exceptional ability to identify and break down problems to find unique solutions
  • You give your best to attend every single session of our schedule

Where to Apply?

If you have decided to apply, simply complete this application form. If you have questions, please contact us via an email addressed to — we will respond to you as soon as possible. The application deadline is 12th April.

