Privately Send Emails With Mailspre

Kesara Wimal
Devro LABS
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2019

If you want to send an email without revealing your private email address, Mailspre has you covered. With Mailspre, you can quickly and easily send an anonymous email to any email address. Simply type the desired recipient’s address, email subject, and message in the appropriate fields.

Mailspre Logo

Mailspre works well when you want to send a quick, private email without logging into your personal account, especially when your email server is down. Its private nature also makes it perfect for anonymous police reporting, complaints to or about an organization or business, and other instances
where one needs to confidentially report illegal, questionable, or morally wrong activities. You won’t have to worry about suffering consequences for reporting since your email address and identity are not disclosed.

Mailspre Home Page

Mailspre even has the potential to help protect individuals from abuse and harassment. Individuals can use Mailspre to anonymously send warnings meant to protect someone else from an abuser or harasser, without having to worry that the toxic individual will see the warning or know who sent it. More
importantly, a victim of abuse or harassment can use Mailspre to send an email that an abuser or the harasser cannot trace, in order to alert a trusted individual and work to free themselves from an extremely toxic situation.

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