Buying your first token? How to buy Cache

Caleb Stultz
9 min readMay 29, 2018


Cache can be purchased with Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Litecoin through Coinbase. If you want to buy Cache with XEM, click here.

Video Tutorial

Coinbase Account Setup

If this is your first time buying tokens, it will be easiest for you to begin by first setting up a Coinbase account. Go to and click ‘Sign Up’ in the top right corner.

Enter in your first & last name, email, create a password, and State of Residence. For a list of all Coinbase-supported countries, click here:

You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your email. Click the blue button in the email and you’ll be brought back to your web browser.

Next, choose your country of residence from the dropdown and enter in your phone number. Click ‘Send Code’ and Coinbase will send you a 6 digit code to your phone to enter on the following screen.

Once you’ve entered in the code and clicked ‘Submit, enter in the information Coinbase asks for and click ‘Continue’.

Happy day! Registration is nearly done. If you scroll down to the bottom of the Coinbase homepage, you will see that you need to add a payment method before you can buy cryptocurrency (makes sense).

Click on ‘Add a payment method’ and you’ll be presented with the following options:

  • Bank Account
  • Debit Card
  • Wire Transfer

As you can tell, different methods require different amounts of time before payment clears. Debit cards are the fastest. ⚡️

Identity Verification (KYC/AML)

Before you’re allowed to link a payment method, you need to verify your identity. This ensures Coinbase remains in compliance with KYC/AML (Know Your Customer and Anti Money Laundering) laws in the jurisdictions in which they operate. So you’ll need to bust out your government-issued ID. You may be required to take a selfie holding your ID in some countries. More on specific requirements here:

You can continue in your browser but what I find easiest is to download the Coinbase app (Android/iOS) on my phone and set up the ID verification that way since there’s already a good camera there.

Open the app and you’ll be presented with the following screen. Click ‘Log In’ because you already have an account at this point. Log in and confirm the 2FA code that is sent to your mobile.

After logging in, click ‘Settings’ and tap the ‘Add’ button under ‘Linked Accounts’. Choose which type of account you’d like to add: Bank Account or Debit Card.

Remember that Bank Accounts transfers can take 4–5 days to clear whereas a Debit Card is instant.

A popup will appear asking you to verify your identity. Tap on either Identity Card or Drivers License and the Coinbase app will ask you to use your phone’s camera to take a photo of the front of your ID card.

Pro Tip: Use a well-lit room with minimal shadows to improve verification times.

Capture the front and back of your ID card and when you’ve completed this process, you should receive an email telling you that your verification was successful! If you’re having trouble, please refer to this troubleshooting article:

You should be able to proceed in the app to add either a debit card or bank account.

Give yourself a high-five, a pat on the back, or go get some ice cream because at this point, you now are capable of buying Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, or Litecoin through Coinbase! 🙌🍦

Now let’s buy some crypto! Click on ‘Buy/Sell’

Buying Cryptocurrency using Coinbase

You’ll be taken to this page where you can choose which cryptocurrency you’d like to buy. Simply choose one, enter in an amount in your local you’d like to purchase and click the big, shiny, blue ‘Buy’ button at the bottom. If you used a Debit card, you’ll get immediate access to your cryptocurrency, otherwise you’ll need to wait 4–5 days for the bank transaction to process.

For reference,When buying Cache later on, Bitcoin transactions tend to take significantly longer to process than Litecoin or Etherem so we’d recommend using Litecoin/Ethereum over Bitcoin.

Buying Cache

Phew! Now that we’ve purchased some cryptocurrency with Coinbase, let’s go get us some Cache. Visit and scroll down to the Cache token bundles. At the moment, the prices are out of whack as we were testing our code when we wrote this, but you’ll see accurate USD prices. Click the ‘Buy’ button on the bundle you’d like to buy. If you’re taking part in our VIP Sale, you’ll need a VIP access code.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have a VIP access code, join our Telegram group and ask around:

You will then be brought to the page in the image below. You need to enter your Cache wallet address and click ‘Buy through Coinbase’ but wait… You don’t have a wallet yet!

Lets get you one. Download the Cache Wallet for macOS, Windows, and Linux here:

Run the CacheWallet application and you will see the following screen:

Click ‘Create a wallet’ at the bottom of the window. We recommend that you disconnect from the Internet when creating your wallet. This is not mandatory, but it ensures that all data created in the process is entirely offline and not being logged in any cloud backup or storage program. Click ‘I’m ready’.

Give your wallet a name and click ‘Next’. The name is simply to keep your wallets separate as you can create as many wallets as you’d like!

Enter in & confirm a password on the following screen. This will be used to unlock your wallet.

Next, you’ll need to move your mouse around your screen to generate what is called entropy – basically using the data from the mouse moving around combined with algorithms to make truly random data. Perfect for a super secure private key. That’s what we’ll generate after we download a backup file for our wallet. Once you reach 100%, click ‘Next’.

We will now download a .wlt Wallet Backup file. We recommend that you download this, save it to a flash drive of some sort and put it in a secure location. That way you always have a backup should your computer’s hard drive crash. Save the .wlt file, back it up somewhere safe, and click ‘I have my wallet file and am ready to continue’.

Next, you will want to save your private key somewhere safe. This is the most important thing. Your private key can give anyone who has it access to your accounts. They can see your balances, send money, etc. It’s a very bad thing if your private key falls into the wrong hands. We suggest writing it down on a piece of paper and placing it in a lock box or safe. Alternatively, you could copy and paste it into a non-connected text editor or file on your local hard drive. After you’ve done that, click ‘I have saved my private key and am ready to continue’.

Voilà! You now have a Cache wallet! 🔥 The address you see on the screen is also known as your public key. This is safe to send to others as it is the address where you will receive Cache tokens! Copy it to your clipboard and head back to your web browser.

At this point, you can paste your Cache wallet address into the ‘Wallet Address’ field and click the ‘Buy through Coinbase’ button.

Click ‘Continue’ on the confirmation popup that appears and a new tab at will open prompting you to choose a cryptocurrency. Choose the one you actually have in your account (Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin) and you’ll be presented with an amount of the cryptocurrency you need to send, the address where that currency needs to be sent, and a 15 minute timer. Click the ‘Scan QR code instead’ button and scan the QR code that appears using your phone’s Camera app. The iPhone, for example, will prompt you to tap ‘Open in Coinbase’.

Note: The transaction must be done within 15 minutes or it will be invalidated.

In the Coinbase app, you’ll be presented with the following dialog. Tap ‘Next’ and then ‘Confirm Buy’

On the web, Coinbase will show that a payment has been detected. You will need to wait for a while until the confirmation has completed. Depending on the day and overall traffic, this could take between 5-45 minutes.

While Coinbase is doing its thing, head back over to the Cache Wallet app and click ‘Login to Dashboard’ at the bottom of the screen.

Choose your wallet (by name) that you just created from the drop down menu and enter the password you set. Click ‘Sign In’.

Once the transaction at Coinbase is confirmed you will receive a transaction in your Cache Wallet app. It will appear in the Unconfirmed tab. Depending on overall network load, you may have to wait anywhere from 5 seconds to 3 minutes for the transaction to confirm. Once it does it will move over to the ‘Confirmed’ tab.


As you can tell, 2,500 Cache (CHE) was deposited into the wallet.


That’s it! You now have Cache tokens in your Cache Wallet! Spend them in the real world on Devslopes courses at and soon from our partners. Follow for updates. Be sure to join our Telegram group as well to stay current and ask the team any questions you may have:

