4 Mindsets to put an end to your newbie work life.

Pieces of thoughts that you might want to try to greatly improve your image at work.

Poom Pairothpongpun
5 min readMay 3, 2019


Mental Disorders

During work hours, some of you might experience a hard feeling while facing a tough situation, for example, carrying too many tasks to yourself, doing some sort of work out of your comfort zone, cannot make others get things done. These feelings occur in many forms such as hesitation, pressure, nervousness; In this article, I will call them “mental disorders”.

Poor mindset triggers mental disorders

Mental disorders can reduce your quality of work and also negatively affect your personality and trustworthiness to your colleague. Different persons can have a different set of situations that cause one or more mental disorders. When you face your certain situation, you will feel so nervous like a newbie that cannot handle anything. Naturally, you will try to avoid them or remove yourself from that situation as soon as possible without noticing that nervousness and avoidance are nothing but to make it worse.

The key cause for this problem is the inappropriate mindsets that you use to handle the certain situation.

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For example,

Let’s start with a simple one; you are a person who strict with commitment, then you are forced to finish a one-day task within three hours. In this situation, if you’re so strong with your commitment, you will have a heavy workload.

This situation definitely puts you under pressure finding an alternative way to do to reduce the effort. Pressure will then create nervousness; you will be so worried when looking at the deadline that runs towards you. A nervousness then creates hesitation; when your colleague asks about your work progress, you will not be able to answer it proudly. Finally, the task you’ve done will lack quality and contains a lot of flaws.

So, good mindsets are the solution

Obviously, in the example above, you can change your thoughts just a little while being forced to do difficult tasks. You know it’s impossible to complete it in time, then…

  1. Do not try to complete it in time. (Remove pressure)
  2. Do not mind if it is not completed in time. (Remove nervousness)
  3. Do not care to talk to your boss that you have to postpone the deadline. (Remove hesitation)

By setting a mindset like this, you will not put any pressure to yourself, you will do the work at your maximum performance, and your final result will be flawless as expected (with a little delay).

Let’s look into pieces of mindsets that you might want to try.

Try “Quality over Commitment”

This mindset is what we have extracted from the example above. I believe that a workload situation happens all the time to every people, and workload always kills work’s quality.

ฺTo achieve this mindset, you have to strict with quality instead of commitment. Give all your brain power to make it good, not to make it fast.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Try “Result defines Method”

“Good method leads to a good result.” This phrase seems to make a perfect sense to us, but I have to say that focusing on the method and let it define the result may not always give you the best one. Sometimes you need to pick your best result first, and then find the method to achieve it.

Let’s take a real-life example: You are driving a long way home and you really need to go to a toilet.

  • If you’re focusing on the method, you’ll continue driving and find a nearby gas station. Sometimes you are lucky enough to find one in just a few minutes, sometimes it takes hours.
  • Focusing on the result is to stop the car, open the Google map and pin on the nearest place with a toilet, and drive directly to it.

To achieve this mindset, you have to forget any process you’ve been through or someone told you to do. Keep focusing on what is the ideal result you really need, then find a way to completely reach it.

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Try “Information over emotion”

Everything has its reason to happens. You will always find how things occur or how it becomes if you have enough time to research deep down to its origin.

To achieve this mindset, you have to fully understand and completely trust the meaning of the paragraph above.

I will give you a basic practice that can be used most of the time. When you are creating something or initiating some ideas for your jobs or your company. Before delivering them, always try to ask yourself these questions:

  • For the entire thing, does it really what we need?
  • For each of its components, does it make sense?

Then try harder to find the informational answers to these questions. If your answers still start with “I think that…” or “It feels like…”, then you’re not there yet.

Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash

Try “Benefits to them, not to us”

This is the art of persuasion to make someone get something done for you. You simply communicate what has to be done to them in a more proper way by describing the benefits of finishing these things from the assignee’s perspective.

For example, you need your junior designer, Steve, to design a package for the new flavor of the potato chips.

A: “Steve, our company just invent this wonderful new flavor of the potato chip. Please do your best designing its package and make it bang!

B: “Steve, I just got you a big opportunity to show your handicraft publically. You are selected to design the package of our brand new flavor potato chip. Make yourself proud this time!

Obviously, B is more likely to get a better package design from Steve because his message is more beneficial to the designer than the product itself.

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Get your jobs done!

Facing a tough situation is always a bad experience for all of us. However, bad things also give valuable lessons. Trying to love them isn’t too much for us if we have a good-enough mindset to surpass it smoothly. Eventually, we’ll know how to deal with them and how to learn something from them.

Give yourself a chance for the new mindsets that you may never use them before in your life. Then walk through the door of reality, face the truth of toughness and get your jobs done.


