Exceptions in Python

Published in
8 min readApr 12, 2024


Exceptions in Python

An exception is an event which can terminate your program execution. This article explains the concept of exceptions as well as outlines how to handle exceptions.

What is an exception?

  • In Python, an exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program, disrupting the normal execution flow.
  • Exceptions can be caused by various factors, such as invalid input, division by zero, or accessing nonexistent elements.
  • Unlike syntax errors (which lead to program termination), exceptions allow the program to continue running, albeit with altered behavior.

Exception Object — Python Representation of Exception

  • Like everything, an exception is also represented as an object in Python.
  • An exception is an object derived from the BaseException class.
  • It contains information about an error event that occurred within the code during execution.

The exception object includes:

1 — Error type (exception name)

2 — The state of the program when the error occurred

3 — An error message describing the event

Difference between error and…

