Group in SwiftUI

Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2022


Group in SwiftUI is a type that collects multiple instances of a content type — like views, scenes, or commands — into a single unit. Group doesn’t have any visual representation, its just a container much like VStack and HStack.

We use a group to collect multiple views into a single instance, without affecting the layout of those views, just like an HStack, VStack, or Section . After creating a group, any modifier applied to the group affects all of that group’s members.

Let’s start with example.

struct DevTechieGroupExample: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("DevTechie Courses")
Group {
Text("iOS Development")

Because we create a group of views with a ViewBuilder, we can use the group’s initializer to produce different kinds of views from a conditional, and then optionally apply modifiers to them.

The following example uses a Group to add a navigation bar title, regardless of the type of view the conditional produces.

struct DevTechieGroupExample: View {
@State private var loggedIn = true
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Group {

