RealityKit & ARKit in SwiftUI

Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2024


RealityKit & ARKit in SwiftUI

RealityKit framework is developed by Apple for building augmented reality (AR) experiences for iOS, iPadOS and VisionOS devices. It was introduced in 2019 alongside ARKit 3. ARKit provides the underlying technology for AR applications. RealityKit simplifies the development process for AR by offering a high-level API that abstracts away many of the complexities involved in creating AR experiences.

We will start exploring RealityKit & ARKit in SwiftUI. You will need a real device to build & run AR apps. RealityKit works on iOS 13.0+, iPadOS 13.0+, macOS 10.15+, Mac Catalyst 13.0+, and visionOS 1.0+.

Start by creating a new Augmented Reality App project in Xcode.

Set project name, team, org identifier, interface(SwiftUI), language(Swift), content technology(RealityKit)

Click next to create the project.

Xcode creates some boilerplate code which we will delete and create everything from scratch.

import SwiftUI
import RealityKit


