Money Pattern with Symfony Framework

Gabriel Anhaia
Dev Warlocks
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2023


Handling monetary values in programming can be a significant challenge due to the precision errors and complications around different currencies. That’s where the Money pattern comes in, providing an elegant, reliable way to represent and manipulate monetary values. By encapsulating the monetary value and its associated currency, this software design pattern mitigates common issues like rounding errors and promotes clarity in your code. Today, we will delve into implementing the Money Pattern in Symfony 6.4 with PHP 8.2+ and illustrate how to leverage it in your entities for fields requiring monetary representation.

Understanding the Money Pattern

Working with monetary values can be complex due to handling currency conversion, precision, and arithmetic operations. A common mistake is representing money as a float or double, which can lead to precision issues.

The Money pattern, introduced in Martin Fowler’s book “Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture,” provides a robust and precise way of handling money. It encapsulates the amount and the currency in a single value object, making it easier to perform operations and conversions.

Crafting the Money Class

Our journey begins by creating the Money class which will manage our monetary…



Gabriel Anhaia
Dev Warlocks

Software Engineer (Billie GmbH), Freelancer, and Author. Germany/Brazil. Book Design Patterns em PHP: