Why Outsourcing Web Development in the Philippines will Help Your Growing Business

DevWerkz Web Design and Web Development
4 min readMar 21, 2021

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial to growing your business. In developing your site, it’s more cost-efficient to hire a web development company with a team of experienced professionals. This blog post explains why outsourcing web development in the Philippines is the best move to attract customers and boost sales.

This article was first published on DevWerkz.

The business landscape has greatly evolved in the last couple of years. In today’s digital age, every step of the buyer’s journey can happen online. This is what makes establishing an online presence so important.

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you may think it’s too early to hit the web, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Staying in the game requires you to meet customers and competitors where they’re at, head-on.

A good website promotes your business by showcasing your products and services. It lets you reach a bigger market and is a means to provide excellent customer support. Although social media is an effective marketing platform, it is not enough.

With your own website, you can seize better marketing strategies, build credibility, and carry buyers through the sales funnel smoothly.

Why Outsource Web Development?

Outsourcing web development connects you to experts who have access to the latest technology. While you focus on your business, a web design company is in charge of crafting an aesthetically-pleasing and optimized site.

You don’t need to worry about training in-house staff or providing them with the necessary tools. Web development companies constantly invest in workshops and other resources to equip their team with the best possible software and skills.

Outsourced website developers also offer flexible support hours and guarantee work continuity. This means someone is always on the lookout for bugs and enhancements even while you’re asleep.

You don’t run the risk of leaving your website unmanned during the holidays, and developers are keener to deliver on time. Because they wish to keep their clients satisfied, outsourced developers are more liable for their mistakes and accept bigger responsibility.

Additionally, when you hire web developers as needed, you get to decide on terms that make the partnership convenient for you.

Why You Should Outsource Web Development in the Philippines

The Philippines is one of the world’s top outsourcing hubs. Its tech-savvy population produces some of the best website developers in the scene. For your growing business, outsourcing web development in the Philippines comes with the following perks:

1. Up to 70% Cost Savings

Philippine web development companies offer their services for a fraction of the cost of those based in your local market. The lower cost of living in the country equates to lower basic salaries. In labor and occupancy costs alone, you can already save up to 70%.

Web development outsourcing projects cost at least $100 per hour in the United States. In contrast, outsourcing web design and development in the Philippines starts at $18 per hour.

There are also favorable laws like the Special Economic Zone Act. Under the law, foreign companies are granted tax benefits and exemptions including:

  • Income tax exemption (for four years)
  • Local tax exemption
  • Business permit exemption
  • Permanent visas for foreign investors

2. Quality Talent

Some business owners are hesitant to outsource web development projects in fear of reduced job performance and quality of work. Fortunately, Filipinos are known to deliver stunning interfaces and design. The Philippines is home to brilliant website developers who are willing to go the extra mile and are diligent in meeting deadlines.

In 2014, there were over 75,000 workers in the information technology segment of the BPO industry. More professionals join the workforce every year after graduating from specialized courses.

Apart from excelling at HTML, CSS, and Javascript, among others, Filipino web developers are best at putting UX and UI theories into action. These competencies allow them to deliver stunning websites and worthwhile user experience.

3. Easy Communication

As the third-largest English speaking country in the world, there is hardly a language barrier when working with Filipino web developers. They understand instructions well and can convey their insights clearly.

What’s more, the Philippines boasts a literacy rate of 97.5%, beating other BPO-driven countries like India.

4. Established Outsourcing Industry

The Philippines has cultivated its BPO industry since 1992. Out of 841 registered BPO companies, almost 400 (46.2%) firms focus on providing IT-related services. The country’s professionals are highly accustomed to outsourcing practices and policies, ensuring you won’t have a hard time procuring and managing your outsourced staff.

5. Secured Data Privacy

Data privacy is a big concern when outsourcing any kind of service. Fortunately, the Philippines has one of the toughest data privacy laws in the region.

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 complies with international standards. Any individual or company proven in violation of the law faces up to six years in prison and must pay a fine of $20,000 to $100,000.

Outsourcing web development in the Philippines gives you the chance to work with top professionals who can bring your vision to life. Filipino web developers are skilled at coding, design, and story-telling and offer their expertise at a low price. All these translate into massive growth for your business with minimal costs and risks.

Ready to launch your own website? Get in touch with DevWerkz to outsource your web development project and let us craft your business’ digital home.

